[Abstract]:The newly appointed Chinese teachers are in the key stage of their own professional development, and the development of their teaching ability plays a key role in the process of professional development. The junior Chinese teachers should have the following abilities in teaching ability: from the point of view of pre-class preparation, they should have the ability of text interpretation and writing teaching plan; in the aspect of classroom implementation, they should have the ability of introduction and closure, teaching, adaptation, organization and management; after class, they should have the ability of reflection and self-improvement; As new Chinese teachers, they also need to have the ability of self-improvement and development. Through questionnaires and interviews, it is found that the development of teaching ability of junior Chinese teachers has both its advantages and shortcomings. From the point of view of advantages, they are young and energetic and full of enthusiasm for educational work; their teaching ideas are relatively advanced and easy to accept new things; they are basically proficient in modern educational technology and flexible in the use of teaching aids. The shortcomings are mainly reflected in the following four aspects: first, the lack of attention to independent text interpretation, the lack of methods, the lack of time for text interpretation, so that the lack of independent thinking; second, the separation of theory and teaching practice, it is difficult to really implement the theoretical knowledge learned; third, the lack of classroom practical experience and adaptability, the lack of educational tact in classroom implementation; Fourth, the content of reflection is not comprehensive and profound, and the efficiency of applying it to teaching practice after reflection is low, which leads to the poor effectiveness of after-class reflection. In the development of teaching ability, junior Chinese teachers should set up clear development goals, from small to large, from shallow to deep. The junior Chinese teacher should gradually make full preparation before class, calm classroom implementation and effective after-class reflection. The junior Chinese teacher should take the excellent Chinese teacher as an example, set his state of mind and strictly require himself, in order to promote his own teaching ability and even professional development to make great progress. In order to overcome their own shortcomings and achieve the development goal of teaching ability, the junior Chinese teachers must further strengthen in the following aspects: first, fully prepare before class and interpret the text independently; second, firmly master professional knowledge and connect theory with practice; third, be able to reflect actively after class and enhance educational tact; fourth, study through various ways and combine with their own reality; Fifth, set development goals and enhance self-development awareness.
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