[Abstract]:Class, as the most basic organizational unit of school education, is the main place to carry out the educational task and complete the educational goal. The effect of class management directly affects the quality of school education and the healthy growth of students. The senior high school stage is the key period of students' physical and mental development. Effective class management strategy is the basic guarantee for the school to achieve the educational goal and promote the healthy and all-round development of adolescents. However, there are many problems and shortcomings in the realistic class management of senior high school: under the leadership of "examination-oriented education", the score and transition rate have become the society, the competent department of education evaluates the quality of school education and the hard index of teachers' educational ability, so that the healthy development of students' body and mind in class management and the educational goal of building a harmonious class are often ignored; The new curriculum reform emphasizes student-oriented, and the educational concept of democratic management is difficult to implement. This way of education management directly affects the healthy growth of students and the effectiveness of school education, and even affects the development of education in the whole country. The research on the practical problems of class management in senior high school can not only enrich the theory of class management in senior high school, but also play a guiding role in the practice of class management in senior high school. This paper systematically combs the research status of class management, collates the related concepts, and through questionnaires and interviews, collects the relevant information and information of six classes management in the middle and high school attached to Huaibei normal University. The results show that the main problems existing in class management in attached middle and high school of Huaibei normal University are as follows: the concept of class teacher education is old, neglecting the psychological characteristics of students in the special growth stage, serious examination-oriented education, neglecting students' moral education, and the main problems in class management are as follows: the concept of class teacher education is old, and the psychological characteristics of students in special growth stage are ignored. Class management is not scientific, teacher-student relationship is not harmonious. Based on this, I suggest that: improve the class teacher's own literacy; improve the way of moral education; implement democratic management in order to improve the scientific and timeliness of class management in senior high school.
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