发布时间:2020-12-07 13:25
【文章页数】:86 页
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Research
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research
Chapter2 Literature Review
2.1 English Speaking Proficiency
2.1.1 Definition of English Speaking Proficiency
2.1.2 Features of English Speaking Proficiency
2.2 Review of English Speaking Proficiency
2.2.1 Studies of English Speaking Proficiency Abroad
2.2.2 Studies of English Speaking Proficiency at Home
2.3 Theoretical Basis of English Speaking Proficiency Tests
2.3.1 Dell Hymes’Concept of Communicative Competence
2.3.2 Canale and Swain's Communicative Competence Model
2.3.3 Bachman’s Model of Communicative Language Ability
Chapter3 Research Design
3.1 Research Subjects
3.2 Research Questions
3.3 Research Instruments
3.3.1 Test
3.3.2 Interview
3.3.3 Questionnaire
3.4 Research Procedures and Data Collection
Chapter4 Results and Discussion
4.1 The Results and Discussion of the Test
4.1.1 The Results and Discussion of Reading Aloud
4.1.2 The Results and Discussion of Speaking Composition
4.1.3 The Summary of the Test
4.2 Results and Discussion of the Interview
4.2.1 The Interview with Students
4.2.2 The Interview with Teachers
4.2.3 The Summary of the Interview
4.3 Results and Discussion of the Questionnaire
4.3.1 Students’English Basis
4.3.2 Education Systems and Facilities
4.3.3 Students’Speaking Learning Awareness
4.3.4 Teachers’Issues
Chapter5 Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings of the Research
5.1.1 The Current Situation of High School Students’English Proficiency
5.1.2 The Factors Affecting the High School Students’English Proficiency
5.2 Implications of the Research
5.2.1 Improving the Basic English of Students
5.2.2 Improving the Education System and Teaching Methods
5.2.3 Enhancing Students’English Speaking Awareness and Interest
5.2.4 Transforming Teachers’Teaching Concept
5.3 Limitations of the Research
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ Interview for Students
Appendix Ⅲ Qustionnaire
[1]基于学科核心素养的中学英语教师专业发展[J]. 张莹,丰国欣. 英语广场. 2017(12)
[2]基于核心素养的高中英语教学[J]. 李烨枫. 科学咨询(科技·管理). 2017(12)
[3]浅谈高中英语教学中学生核心素养的培养[J]. 云雅峰. 课程教育研究. 2017(46)
[4]英语学科核心素养的实质内涵[J]. 程晓堂,赵思奇. 课程.教材.教法. 2016(05)
[5]对培养大学生英语口语表达能力的思考[J]. 王金明,付仙梅. 教育探索. 2014(07)
[6]高中生英语口语能力现状的调研报告[J]. 张成国,龚辉. 基础教育研究. 2013(21)
[7]非英语专业新生英语口语水平现状调查[J]. 杨燕,范振东. 湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版). 2010(12)
[8]关于初中英语口语学习策略的思考与实践[J]. 顾秀琴. 教学月刊(中学版下). 2009(06)
[9]我国英语口语研究12年:回顾与现状[J]. 王立非,周丹丹. 外语界. 2004(06)
[10]中学英语课堂口语交际训练与实践研究[J]. 丁菊芬. 渭南师范学院学报. 2003(S1)
[1]基于英语学科核心素养的初中英语课堂教学设计研究[D]. 王小凤.合肥师范学院 2017
[2]高中生英语口语交际能力偏低成因调查[D]. 徐小凤.青海师范大学 2014
[3]社会建构主义视角下的高中生英语口语交际能力培养研究[D]. 薛颖.山东师范大学 2013
[4]高中生英语口语交际能力培养中存在的问题及对策研究[D]. 马利娜.华中师范大学 2013
[5]影响高中生英语口语的情感因素及对策研究[D]. 孟范英.鲁东大学 2012
[6]高中英语口语教学存在问题及对策之研究[D]. 周肖庆.华中师范大学 2012
[7]高中生英语口语交际能力偏低的原因探究[D]. 冯新书.华中师范大学 2007
[8]通过交际法提高高中生英语口语交际能力[D]. 房萍.江西师范大学 2005
[9]高考英语口语测试研究[D]. 赵述评.辽宁师范大学 2005
[10]中学生口语交际障碍及其对策[D]. 刘雪岩.东北师范大学 2004
【文章页数】:86 页
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Research
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research
Chapter2 Literature Review
2.1 English Speaking Proficiency
2.1.1 Definition of English Speaking Proficiency
2.1.2 Features of English Speaking Proficiency
2.2 Review of English Speaking Proficiency
2.2.1 Studies of English Speaking Proficiency Abroad
2.2.2 Studies of English Speaking Proficiency at Home
2.3 Theoretical Basis of English Speaking Proficiency Tests
2.3.1 Dell Hymes’Concept of Communicative Competence
2.3.2 Canale and Swain's Communicative Competence Model
2.3.3 Bachman’s Model of Communicative Language Ability
Chapter3 Research Design
3.1 Research Subjects
3.2 Research Questions
3.3 Research Instruments
3.3.1 Test
3.3.2 Interview
3.3.3 Questionnaire
3.4 Research Procedures and Data Collection
Chapter4 Results and Discussion
4.1 The Results and Discussion of the Test
4.1.1 The Results and Discussion of Reading Aloud
4.1.2 The Results and Discussion of Speaking Composition
4.1.3 The Summary of the Test
4.2 Results and Discussion of the Interview
4.2.1 The Interview with Students
4.2.2 The Interview with Teachers
4.2.3 The Summary of the Interview
4.3 Results and Discussion of the Questionnaire
4.3.1 Students’English Basis
4.3.2 Education Systems and Facilities
4.3.3 Students’Speaking Learning Awareness
4.3.4 Teachers’Issues
Chapter5 Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings of the Research
5.1.1 The Current Situation of High School Students’English Proficiency
5.1.2 The Factors Affecting the High School Students’English Proficiency
5.2 Implications of the Research
5.2.1 Improving the Basic English of Students
5.2.2 Improving the Education System and Teaching Methods
5.2.3 Enhancing Students’English Speaking Awareness and Interest
5.2.4 Transforming Teachers’Teaching Concept
5.3 Limitations of the Research
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ Interview for Students
Appendix Ⅲ Qustionnaire
[1]基于学科核心素养的中学英语教师专业发展[J]. 张莹,丰国欣. 英语广场. 2017(12)
[2]基于核心素养的高中英语教学[J]. 李烨枫. 科学咨询(科技·管理). 2017(12)
[3]浅谈高中英语教学中学生核心素养的培养[J]. 云雅峰. 课程教育研究. 2017(46)
[4]英语学科核心素养的实质内涵[J]. 程晓堂,赵思奇. 课程.教材.教法. 2016(05)
[5]对培养大学生英语口语表达能力的思考[J]. 王金明,付仙梅. 教育探索. 2014(07)
[6]高中生英语口语能力现状的调研报告[J]. 张成国,龚辉. 基础教育研究. 2013(21)
[7]非英语专业新生英语口语水平现状调查[J]. 杨燕,范振东. 湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版). 2010(12)
[8]关于初中英语口语学习策略的思考与实践[J]. 顾秀琴. 教学月刊(中学版下). 2009(06)
[9]我国英语口语研究12年:回顾与现状[J]. 王立非,周丹丹. 外语界. 2004(06)
[10]中学英语课堂口语交际训练与实践研究[J]. 丁菊芬. 渭南师范学院学报. 2003(S1)
[1]基于英语学科核心素养的初中英语课堂教学设计研究[D]. 王小凤.合肥师范学院 2017
[2]高中生英语口语交际能力偏低成因调查[D]. 徐小凤.青海师范大学 2014
[3]社会建构主义视角下的高中生英语口语交际能力培养研究[D]. 薛颖.山东师范大学 2013
[4]高中生英语口语交际能力培养中存在的问题及对策研究[D]. 马利娜.华中师范大学 2013
[5]影响高中生英语口语的情感因素及对策研究[D]. 孟范英.鲁东大学 2012
[6]高中英语口语教学存在问题及对策之研究[D]. 周肖庆.华中师范大学 2012
[7]高中生英语口语交际能力偏低的原因探究[D]. 冯新书.华中师范大学 2007
[8]通过交际法提高高中生英语口语交际能力[D]. 房萍.江西师范大学 2005
[9]高考英语口语测试研究[D]. 赵述评.辽宁师范大学 2005
[10]中学生口语交际障碍及其对策[D]. 刘雪岩.东北师范大学 2004