本文选题:商业银行 + X效率 ; 参考:《复旦大学》2013年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since 2003, the Chinese commercial banks have carried on the stock system transformation and the market operation. At that time, the decision makers and management of banks were faced with such a big problem: in the global environment after China's entry into the WTO, it was necessary to face the constant impact of the financial crisis and the general downward pressure on the global economy. To cope with the influx of foreign banks after a large number of shocks. How to improve the business process, management mode and management ability, improve the efficiency of the bank, make itself develop and strengthen, fully meet the challenges, has become an important research topic that the banking industry and scholars face together. The proposal of Basel III puts forward higher regulatory requirements on the capital composition, asset quality, capital adequacy ratio and liquidity index of commercial banks, which also make our commercial banks face more challenges. How to improve the management of banks and improve the efficiency of commercial banks under the background of higher regulatory standards has become the focus of attention of bank managers in China. This paper focuses on the efficiency development of commercial banks, especially through the analysis of the input and output of banks from the perspective of X-efficiency. The cost function model of stochastic frontier method (SFA) is used to test the efficiency improvement of commercial banks in China. At the same time, considering that different commercial banks have different modes of operation, this paper analyzes the input and output variables of domestic commercial banks by selecting and considering the characteristics of different banks. So that the empirical conclusions can reflect the characteristics of different commercial banks. On the basis of measuring the X efficiency of commercial banks, this paper makes further regression analysis on the X efficiency of commercial banks and the capital composition, asset quality, capital adequacy ratio and liquidity of Basel III. Through this means, the paper studies the relationship between X efficiency and these indicators of domestic commercial banks, and points out that in the management of commercial banks, by strengthening cost management and risk management, instead of blindly pursuing high profits, the efficiency of banks can also be improved. And then improve the long-term competitiveness of banks, and provide better basis and data support for decision-making and managers.
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