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发布时间:2018-01-10 03:21

  本文关键词:SL医院医务人员绩效考核改进策略研究 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 医院 医务人员 绩效考核 BSC KPI

【摘要】:医药卫生事业是重大的民生问题,关系广大人民群众的身体健康和家庭幸福。在我国市场经济不断发展和医疗改革不断深化的背景下,医院的核心竞争力已由技术和设备等物质资源竞争转移到管理和人才的竞争,医院的核心工作人员是医生、护士以及医技类医务工作者,我国历来素有"名医塑名院"之说。绩效考核是现代企业人力资源管理的关键环节,也是医院科学管理的有效手段之一。建立一套科学的绩效考核体系,充分调动医务工作人员的主观能动性,更好的创造效益、服务社会和患者,使医院在激烈的医疗市场竞争中站稳脚跟,对医院发展具有深远意义。本文在广泛阅读国内外相关研究文献的基础上,以绩效管理理论为基础,以SL医院相关部门的实际资料和数据为研究对象,阐述SL医院现行的针对医务人员的绩效考核方案存在的问题。通过分析医院发展所处的内、外部环境,发现医院发展的优势和不足,得出医院绩效改进的必要性,进而针对性地提出了对现行绩效考核方案的改进策略,并预测了改进后的实施效果、提出保障措施。最后总结本文研究的优势和不足,并明确了今后的研究方向。本文结合医院实际情况,在国家宏观政策的指导下,打破传统医务人员论资排辈、以职称定高低的绩效分配观念的基础上,通过对SL医院现行绩效考核方案的不足和改进的必要性分析,针对SL医院的医务人员的绩效考核方案进行了改进研究。基于对国内外相关理论的研究,并借鉴其他医院成功经验的基础上,将平衡记分卡(BSC)和关键指标法(KPI)理论相结合,构建基于平衡记分卡的KPI绩效考核体系。在SL医院原有的以成本核算为核心的绩效考核基础上扩大考核的维度,形成了 一套既能兼顾医疗机构的社会性和公益性,又能兼顾民营医院的营利性的绩效考核模式,为后续有类似需求的医院提供经验参考和借鉴,为加快我国公立医院转型事业添砖加瓦,具有一定参考价值。
[Abstract]:Medical and health care is a major livelihood issue, related to the physical health and family well-being of the broad masses of the people. Under the background of the continuous development of the market economy and the deepening of medical reform in China. The core competence of the hospital has been transferred from the competition of material resources such as technology and equipment to the competition of management and talents. The core staff of the hospital are doctors, nurses and medical and technical medical workers. Performance appraisal is the key link of modern enterprise human resource management and one of the effective means of hospital scientific management. Establish a set of scientific performance appraisal system. Fully mobilize the subjective initiative of medical staff, better create benefits, serve the society and patients, so that hospitals in the fierce medical market competition to stand firm. On the basis of extensive reading of domestic and foreign related research literature, based on the theory of performance management, the actual information and data of SL hospital departments as the research object. By analyzing the internal and external environment of hospital development, the advantages and disadvantages of hospital development are found. The necessity of hospital performance improvement is obtained, and then the improvement strategy of the current performance appraisal scheme is put forward, and the effect of the improvement is predicted. Finally summarize the advantages and disadvantages of this study and clarify the future research direction. Combined with the actual situation of the hospital, under the guidance of the national macro policy, break the traditional medical personnel seniority. On the basis of the concept of performance assignment, this paper analyzes the deficiency of the current performance appraisal scheme and the necessity of improvement in SL hospital. Based on the research of the relevant theories at home and abroad and the successful experience of other hospitals, the improvement of the performance appraisal scheme of the medical staff in SL hospital is studied. The balanced scorecard (BSC) is combined with the key index method (KPI) theory. Construct the KPI performance appraisal system based on balanced Scorecard. Expand the dimension of performance appraisal based on cost accounting. Formed a set of performance appraisal model which can not only give consideration to the sociality and public welfare of medical institutions, but also to the profitability of private hospitals, and provide experience and reference for the follow-up hospitals with similar needs. In order to speed up the transformation of public hospitals in China, it has a certain reference value.


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