本文选题:电子商务 切入点:员工激励 出处:《对外经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet and the rapid development of the e-commerce industry, with the success of Taobao, JingDong and other e-commerce enterprises, as well as the continuous exploration and updating of new Internet technologies, It is true that the competition among enterprises is ultimately the competition between human resources, and employee motivation is the core link in human resources management. The quality and vitality of employees are also the fundamental driving force for the development of enterprises. However, the traditional incentive theory and practice can not be fully applicable to modern e-commerce enterprises. Modern e-commerce enterprises pay more attention to the learning ability and innovation consciousness of talents, and the management and incentive methods of talents should be different. However, from the current point of view, the incentive mechanism of many enterprises to their employees is not perfect. Therefore, how to set up a set of incentive system suitable for the development of e-commerce enterprises and implement positive incentives to employees in order to stimulate their enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, This paper, based on the work practice of SF Electronic Commerce Company, first introduces the general situation of the company, the characteristics of its employees, and the contents of the current incentive system. On the basis of the questionnaire survey and interview of employee incentive system, this paper makes a detailed analysis of the shortcomings of the existing employee incentive system, and finds that the company is mainly in the perfection of performance appraisal. The innovation of incentives, the quality of work environment, the effectiveness of communication between superiors and subordinates, and the pertinence of training mechanism need to be improved. The corresponding optimization measures are put forward, including: first, the establishment of a scientific and effective performance appraisal system; second, the establishment of a pluralistic and innovative incentive content; third, the creation of a harmonious and warm working environment; fourth, the creation of a rich and diverse communication mechanism; Fifth, establish a timely and perfect training system. It is hoped that the proposal can provide a useful reference for the company to improve its existing incentive mechanism and implement more effective employee incentives. It is also expected to provide an example reference for the construction and implementation of the incentive system of other enterprises in this industry.
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