本文选题:医院 切入点:消毒供应中心 出处:《中华医院感染学杂志》2015年21期
【摘要】:目的距我国医院消毒供应中心(CSSD)行业标准实施3年后,调查贵州省医院CSSD建设及人力资源管理现况,为贵州省卫生行政部门加强消毒灭菌管理提供依据。方法 2013年3月贵州省医院感染管理培训基地集中培训后发放调查表,对贵州省二级(含二级)以上医院CSSD建设及人力资源管理现况进行调查。结果共调查149所医院,三级及二级医院平均手术间分别为9、4间;2012年平均月手术量分别为417、130台;78.13%三级及80.53%二级医院对CSSD进行建设,平均投入资金分别为320万元、70万元;96.00%三级及82.42%二级医院在建设过程中对CSSD进行图纸设计,1所三级及23所二级医院未进行图纸的审核论证,92.00%三级医院及71.43%二级医院医院感染管理科参与图纸设计;71.88%三级医院及54.87%二级医院CSSD由护理部直接领导;三级医院及二级医院设置护士长的比例分别为96.88%、92.04%,护士具有执业资格人数比例分别为96.52%、90.65%,45岁以上护士人数比例分别为41.14%、50.22%;三级及二级医院CSSD消毒员具有上岗证比例分别为98.72%、91.29%。结论 CSSD行业标准实施后,贵州省多数医院积极对CSSD进行资金投入与建设,建议进一步加强贵州省二级医院CSSD的建设及管理,加强对消毒员的培训力度,保障医疗安全。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the current situation of CSSD construction and human resource management in hospitals of Guizhou province three years after the implementation of CSSD industry standard of hospital disinfection supply center in China. Methods questionnaires were issued after intensive training in Guizhou Provincial Hospital infection Management training Base in March 2013. The present situation of CSSD construction and human resource management in hospitals above second class (including level 2) in Guizhou Province was investigated. Results A total of 149 hospitals were investigated. The average operating room of the third and second level hospitals was 9 / 4 respectively, and the average monthly operating volume in 2012 was 417130 (78.13%) and 80.53% (grade II) hospitals, respectively, for the construction of CSSD. The average investment was 3.2 million yuan, 700000 yuan, 96.00% and 82.42% of the level II hospitals carried out the drawing design of CSSD in the process of construction. One third class and 23 level II hospitals did not carry out the audit and demonstration of the drawings. 92.00% of the third level hospitals and 71.43% of the level II hospitals did not carry out the audit and argumentation of the drawings. The nosocomial infection management department participated in the drawing design of 71.88% of the level III hospitals and 54.87% of the level II hospitals under the direct leadership of the nursing department. The proportion of head nurses in level III hospitals and level II hospitals were 96.888.88 and 92.044.The proportion of nurses with professional qualifications was 96.520.650.65 and the proportion of nurses over 45 years of age was 41.140.22; the proportion of CSSD disinfectants in level-III and level-II hospitals had their working permits, respectively. Conclusion after the implementation of CSSD industry standards, Most hospitals in Guizhou province are actively investing in and constructing CSSD. It is suggested that the construction and management of CSSD in the second class hospital of Guizhou Province be further strengthened, and the training of disinfectors should be strengthened to ensure the safety of medical treatment.
【作者单位】: 贵州省人民医院医院感染管理科;贵州省人民医院消毒供应中心;贵州医科大微生物学教研室;
【基金】:贵州省科技厅基金资助项目(黔科合LS字[2012]017);贵州省科技厅基金资助项目(黔科合SY字[2010]3138) 贵州省科学技术基金资助项目(GZWKJ2012-1-114)
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