[Abstract]:The rural elite is an important part of the rural community. They have a good understanding of the local internal resources and cultural background, and help the poor in the rural areas, especially by paying attention to the self-development ability of the poor subjects. Exploring the local characteristics of anti-poverty path in the process has played a unique role. Through the case study, it is found that the industrial cooperation, the sharing of social capital and the transformation of the concept of the poor have certain effects on improving the ability of self-development of the poor. But at the same time, the poor areas are faced with such objective problems as the loss of human resources, the lack of active consciousness of the poor and excessive psychological dependence, which make it difficult for the elite to achieve the optimal benefits. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate the strength of the rural elite, strengthen the multi-agent poverty alleviation participation mechanism construction, in order to realize the self-active development of the recipients, and promote the rural endogenous poverty alleviation development.
【作者单位】: 南昌大学公共管理学院;
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