[Abstract]:With the coming of knowledge economy era, high-tech and high-tech enterprises are paid more and more attention. The governments all over the world take the development of high and new technology and the support of high-tech enterprises as the important means to enhance their competitiveness in the international market, and have carried out a long-term, systematic and comprehensive plan for this. The core resource of high-tech and high-tech enterprises is knowledge. China is a developing country with the largest population in the world. The development of high and new technology is the natural resource endowment advantage of our country and an inevitable way to realize the "catching up and surpassing strategy". The development of high-tech enterprises will determine the international position of our country in the knowledge economy society. The high-tech enterprises of our country are developed under the demonstration effect of the western developed countries. Although they have made great progress, they are not matched with the requirements of the times and the intellectual resources of our country. This paper holds that the core problem of high-tech enterprises is the management and development of human resources. Human resource management and development of high-tech enterprises not only has its unique requirements and characteristics, but also is a dynamic process, that is, different management models and development methods are needed in different stages of development. Through the analysis of the personality of high-tech enterprises, this paper further divides the development of high-tech enterprises into five stages: gestation period, initial stage, growth period, plateau platform stage and mature stage. On the basis of studying the development stage of high and new technology enterprises, this paper puts forward the present situation of human resource management and development in each stage and its improvement requirements and measures. On the basis of the research and analysis of the present situation of the development of high and new technology enterprises in our country, the countermeasures of human resources in the course of the development of high and new technology enterprises in our country are put forward in this paper. This paper puts forward the improvement measures of human resource management and development of high and new technology enterprises in our country at present: as far as the society is concerned, it is necessary to set up a human resource market allocation system by speeding up the industrialization of education. Promoting the flow of talents and creating the living and working environment to attract hi-tech talents, so as to build the external environment for the management and development of human resources in high-tech enterprises; As far as the interior of high-tech enterprises is concerned, it is necessary to construct a management mechanism adapted to knowledge economy. Carry on the transformation of the organization structure, realize the diversification of the incentive means and mold the knowledge culture of the enterprise, so as to realize the integration of the human resources of the high-tech enterprise from "extensive" to "intensive". Promote the development of high-tech enterprises in China. Finally, aiming at the problems in the financial management of human resources, the paper puts forward the financial accounting methods and evaluation methods of human resources.
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