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发布时间:2019-02-09 08:19
[Abstract]:From the perspective of the new poverty theory, the bottom line of the government's responsibility to protect the basic life of the disadvantaged groups is also increasing, and the content of the social assistance system is expanding. However, as the policy executor, the service capacity of the grass-roots department is still not adapted to the increasingly perfect social assistance system, and it is in a state of "welfare disequilibrium". Based on the comparative analysis of the survey data of the four counties in the east and the west, it is found that although the number of the aid recipients in the eastern region is less than that in the western region, what is contrary to common sense is the actual work expenses (non-project funds) in the supply level. The working load of the staff (the minimum living standard for each staff member) and the salary are lower than those in the west. However, the lower basic-level service capacity in the eastern region is masked by the innovation and development of social assistance system. Based on the quantitative and qualitative results, this study reveals the contradictions between the institutional development in the eastern region and the supporting systems of human resources, organizational mechanisms, etc. In particular, the service capacity of the town / street level organizations located between the county level and the village / community level is the weakest. Therefore, in order to strengthen the capacity construction of social assistance services, on the one hand, it is necessary to optimize the allocation of resources among regions, and to reform grass-roots organizations according to the theory of energy level correspondence; On the other hand, it is necessary to integrate external social resources, rely on the construction of community capacity, and play the "borrowing" function of social power participation, in order to alleviate the pressure generated by the government to construct the bottom line of responsibility.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学公共管理学院;


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