[Abstract]:Objective to analyze the fairness of national health supervision human resource allocation according to the distribution of population by using relevant economic indicators, and to lay a foundation for the construction of health supervision human resources. Methods by consulting the data of China Health Statistics Yearbook and China Statistical Yearbook, we compared and analyzed the distribution of health supervision human resources in 2007 and 2010 in east, west and west of China. Gini coefficient and Lorentz curve index were used to analyze the fairness of population and geographical distribution of health supervisors, and the personnel structure in 2005 and 2010 were compared and analyzed. Results in terms of population allocation, the number of health supervisors per 10 000 population in the central and eastern regions was 0.9, although the total population was increasing, it was still insufficient. The Gini coefficient of human resources in health supervision is 0.4and the Gini coefficient of some types has an increasing trend, and the Gini coefficient of the human resources of health supervision according to the geographical distribution is 0.4, and the equity is poor. Health supervision of human resources concentrated in the age of 45 years and above the proportion of education, academic institutions are basically reasonable. Conclusion the distribution of human resources in health supervision is relatively balanced, the total amount still needs to be improved, and the personnel structure should be improved. In the process of building the human resources system of health supervision, we should continue to maintain the fairness of staffing.
【作者单位】: 山东大学公共卫生学院;山东大学威海分校;昌乐县卫生局;济南海关;济宁医学院附属医院;
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