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发布时间:2019-06-14 11:10
[Abstract]:In recent years, the higher vocational education in our country has developed a great leap forward. It is an important part of higher education not only to play an important role in the popularization of higher education in our country, but also to develop high-quality technical talents. At present, China has basically formed a pattern of at least one higher vocational school in each prefecture-level city, and the local nature has become an important feature of higher vocational colleges. The development of the local economy of the service is the basis of the existence of higher vocational colleges. It is the reflection of the value of higher vocational colleges. It also provides the possibility for the sustainable development of higher vocational colleges. In addition, the reform measures of the local ordinary colleges and universities that are being carried out in our country will bring great survival crisis to the higher vocational colleges, and force higher vocational education to expand the living space to the county level. However, at present, the combination of most of the higher vocational and local economic development is not very close, especially the service role of the county economy development is not obvious. At the same time, our country attaches great importance to the development of the county economy, and the transformation and upgrading of the county economy structure urgently needs a large number of high-quality technical talents, and it is expected that higher vocational colleges can provide more powerful intellectual support and more effective teaching and education cooperation. Therefore, the cooperative development of higher vocational and county-level economy has become the urgent demand of both sides. In this background, with the continuous promotion of the reform of the educational reform of the higher vocational college, the open-running of the school-enterprise cooperation is one of the most obvious changes in the higher vocational colleges. Taking Chengde City of Hebei Province as an example, the research has found that the service of the higher vocational colleges to the development of the county economy has made some achievements, has formed a certain scale, but also has many problems and shortcomings. Through the analysis of the theory and practice of the local economic development of the higher vocational education service at home and abroad, the paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for the development of the county economy in higher vocational colleges. To promote the new technology of agriculture and to train the talents of the agricultural new industry;6 is the medium-high-vocational education, build a county-level human resource training platform, actively provide the teacher training for the county vocational education, and indirectly promote the county-level economic development.


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