[Abstract]:The strategy adopted by enterprises determines that their employees need to have the corresponding ability, and the combination of knowledge and skills of employees constitutes the human capital of the enterprise, and then affects the competitiveness of the enterprise. Taking 110 manufacturing enterprises in Xiamen as the research object, the structural equation model (SEM) is used to explore the influence of strategic choice on the development of employee ability, and the relationship between employee ability and human capital under different strategic conditions. The empirical study shows that the leading strategy is positively correlated with the innovation ability, adaptability and customer-oriented ability of employees, while the defensive strategy is positively correlated with the development of result-oriented ability, and the positive correlation with professional and technical ability is not supported. Under the leading strategy, customer-oriented ability is positively correlated with human capital value, innovation ability is positively correlated with human capital uniqueness, while adaptability is not supported by human capital value. Under defensive strategy, result-oriented ability is significantly positively correlated with human capital value, while professional and technical ability is not supported by human capital uniqueness. The research results provide a new research perspective for the theoretical system of human capital and a decision-making reference for the development of human resources in enterprises.
【作者单位】: 厦门大学公共事务学院;
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