本文选题:高中学生 + 英语阅读 ; 参考:《辽宁师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the implementation of high school English curriculum reform, English teaching methods in senior high schools have been improved to some extent. However, the traditional teaching methods still occupy a dominant position, which has been increasingly unable to meet the requirements of the times and the needs of students. In the present high school English classroom, mainly by the teacher, student notes. Teachers directly impart important knowledge to students, who passively accept and remember. In the process of passive learning, students gradually lose their interest and motivation. The learning mode of rote memorization for the purpose of examination is seriously contrary to the requirement of cultivating students' autonomous learning ability in the new curriculum standard. On the one hand, teachers should pay attention to how to let students participate more in classroom activities and give full play to students' learning initiative; on the other hand, students should improve their learning strategies and gradually improve their autonomous learning ability. Reading ability is the most important part of English learning ability. Under the guidance of the new curriculum standard and the requirement of quality education, the guiding plan is used to guide students to learn independently and to optimize their development. Based on the above research background, this paper mainly studies two problems. First, whether the English reading ability of senior high school students can be improved, and second, how to improve the autonomous learning ability of senior high school students in English reading. Under the guidance of constructivism, humanism and autonomous learning theory, the author has carried out a 20-week experimental study on the teaching model of "guiding case" in Dalian Development Zone No. 1 Middle School. In grade one, the author selected two parallel classes for a comparative experiment, questionnaire and reading ability test. The data and result analysis show that, compared with the traditional teaching mode, the "guided Learning Plan" teaching model can promote the improvement of English reading ability and autonomous learning ability of senior high school students more effectively. At the same time, the teaching mode of "guided Learning Plan" can guide the students to cooperate in learning, improve their interest in learning, enhance their learning motivation, and then cultivate their lifelong learning ability.
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