本文选题:高中语文 + 阅读教学 ; 参考:《辽宁师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In high school Chinese teaching, reading teaching is an important part, is the key, is also one of the difficulties. Especially the reading teaching of Chinese modern and contemporary literature works is the most important part of Chinese teaching in senior high school. At present, there are many problems in the teaching of Chinese reading in senior high school, and the present situation of reading teaching of modern and contemporary literary works is not optimistic. The author engaged in Chinese education in senior high school for nearly 20 years, deeply felt the problems existing in Chinese education, and also experienced the process of deepening the reform of Chinese education. In the teaching practice, I also continuously learned advanced educational theory. Renew teaching idea and try to use new teaching method, thus accumulate some teaching experience. It is meaningful to sum up these teaching experiences for the reference of Chinese teachers and Chinese education researchers. This paper focuses on the reading teaching of modern and contemporary literary works in senior high school, and hopes to study and practice the effective ways of reading teaching through the research and practice of the experimental textbook of the curriculum standard of ordinary senior high school in order to explore the teaching of modern and contemporary literature in senior high school. To improve the current situation of reading teaching and improve the efficiency of reading teaching to provide an effective reference. The paper is divided into four parts. The first part discusses the basic theory of reading and reading teaching, what is reading and reading teaching, as well as the purport of reading teaching. The second part describes the current situation of reading teaching of modern and contemporary literary works in senior high school, and analyzes the causes of the problems. The existing problems are not only in the teachers level, but also in the students level. The main reasons for this dilemma are old ideas, strong utilitarianism, backward methods and heavy patterns, subject dislocation, poor interaction, neglect of extracurricular, weak system. The third part focuses on how to improve the teaching effect of reading in modern and contemporary literary works of Chinese in senior high school. There are three kinds of teaching methods: text reading, experience and interactive dialogue. The fourth part discusses the comprehensive practice of reading teaching of Chinese modern and contemporary literature works in senior high school, which is divided into four types: novel, poetry, prose and drama. The conclusion part reflects on the teaching of Chinese reading in senior high school, and probes into how to achieve the balance of humanism, literariness and instrumentality in Chinese education, and how to achieve the goal of cultivating talents.
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