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junior high school 在 心理学 分类中 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-12-27 09:05















junior high school

  • 初中(811)

        Methods A stratified multistage cluster sampling method was used to investigate 2 625 junior high school students and 2 495 senior high school students with a questionnaire.

        方法采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法,随机抽取江苏省初中学生2 625名和高中学生2 495名进行问卷调查。





        On Occupational Stress of Junior High School Teachers in the New Era



        The Study on Character Traits Influencing Academic Achievement of Mongolian Junior High School Students



        An Experimental Study on the Rational-emotive Education to the Test Anxiety of Junior High School Student





        A Study of an Intelligence Test for Junior High School Students Receiving Artistic Training



        Self-concept and Coping Style of Junior High School Students with Different Peer Relationship



        A correlation study of psychological problems and family environment among the junior high school students



        An experimental study of the mental education and mental health of the junior high school students



        Social Support and Mental Health of the Junior High School Students




    查询“junior high school”译词为用户自定义的双语例句


      junior high school

    Influence of moderate physical exercise on the cardiac rhythm parameters of elementary and junior high school children


    Data were gathered from junior high school students tested annually at three points in time.


    The use of legal and illegal drugs and their relationship to the environment was studied in 2265 junior high school adolescents from a rural and a semi-rural area in Norway.


    Two hundred and thirty-seven adolescents from a junior high school in a small community outside G?teborg, Sweden, completed the Youth Self Report (YSR) and the Depression Self Rating Scale (DSRS).


    Deliberate self-harm and childhood hyperactivity in junior high school students



    This study has been a cooperative research work carried out withsimilar research program in fourteen distrects of our country. About 29subjects aged from 4 to 16 years old (18 boys and 11 girls)have beensurveyed. A variety of methods have been used, such as experiments,observations, interviews, personality inventory and performance rating etc. These children appear to be quite different from one another; someof them have read a lot in early age (often before their school age); someof them have showed special...

    This study has been a cooperative research work carried out withsimilar research program in fourteen distrects of our country. About 29subjects aged from 4 to 16 years old (18 boys and 11 girls)have beensurveyed. A variety of methods have been used, such as experiments,observations, interviews, personality inventory and performance rating etc. These children appear to be quite different from one another; someof them have read a lot in early age (often before their school age); someof them have showed special abilities in mathematics; and some have atalent for painting or poetry, etc. However, they still possess severalcommon characteristics, such as: (1) cognitive interests and strongintellectual curiosity; (2) keen perception and powers of observation; (3)a broad and high concentrated attention and unusual memory; (4) alertand initiative thinking) (5) self-confidence and perseverance, and so on.Because of such well-developed characteristics, some of these children havebeen allowed to start primary school learning earlier, at about 4-5 years;some of them skipped to junior high school at the age of 8-9 year andsome entered the university around fourteen. The preliminary results show: 1) It is clear that there are clearly intellectual deviations, and greatpotential for development among children. 2) It seems that almost all of these supernormal children have goodconditions for early-education. So we think supernormal is not simply aninnate, inherent endowment which only provides a possibility for develop-ment, and early-education transforms this possibility into actual supernormalresults. 3) It seems that some personality characteristics such as cognitiveinterests and perseverance etc. are very important factors which result insuperior achievement for these children. Some suggestions for further investigation has also been made in thispaper.


    This study is aimed at 1st and 3rd year students of junior high schools and 2nd year students of senior high schools. The results are:1. The age-characters of thinking development are: Formal logical thinking begins to prevail in the 1st year of junior high and tends to mature by the 2nd year of senior high. Dialectical logical thinking emerges in its initial form in the 1st year of junior high and begins to take hold in the 2nd year of senior high.2. The...

    This study is aimed at 1st and 3rd year students of junior high schools and 2nd year students of senior high schools. The results are:1. The age-characters of thinking development are: Formal logical thinking begins to prevail in the 1st year of junior high and tends to mature by the 2nd year of senior high. Dialectical logical thinking emerges in its initial form in the 1st year of junior high and begins to take hold in the 2nd year of senior high.2. The character of thinking development of adolescent students of both sexes are: The over-all level of thinking development is about the same in boys and girls, though both have their own characteristics. The idea that "boys are superior to girls" or vice versa is not accepted.3. There are differences in the development levels of student sthinking between different types of high schools.

    本研究的对象为初一、初三和高二学生。研究结果如下: 1.在校青少年思惟发展的年龄特点是:形式逻辑思惟在初一阶段开始占优势,到高二阶段已趋基本成熟;辩证逻辑思惟在初一阶段已初步具备,到高二阶段开始占优势。 2.在校青少年思惟发展的性别特点是:男女生思惟发展水平在总体上是一致的,但各有其特色。不能认为男优女劣或女优男劣。 3.不同类型学校在校青少年思惟发展水平上存在着差异。

    In our experiment we made a research on the role and peculiarity of recognition of patterns in solving applied algebrical problems of equation by the students of junior high schools.In solving these problems, the recognition of patterns appear mainly to be the differenciation of types of problems.The result shows that the subject's recognition of type of the problem determines whether he can solve it quickly and correctly or not.To recognize definitely the type of an applied problem, the student must abstract...

    In our experiment we made a research on the role and peculiarity of recognition of patterns in solving applied algebrical problems of equation by the students of junior high schools.In solving these problems, the recognition of patterns appear mainly to be the differenciation of types of problems.The result shows that the subject's recognition of type of the problem determines whether he can solve it quickly and correctly or not.To recognize definitely the type of an applied problem, the student must abstract definite general relationships or structures from the concrete semantic context of the problem. This ability can be improved through drills with a variety of exercises.



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