理性情绪 在 教育理论与教育管理 分类中 的翻译结果
在分类学科中查询 所有学科 教育理论与教育管理 心理学 内分泌腺及全身性疾病 临床医学 基础医学 医学教育与医学边缘学科 精神病学 高等教育 中等教育 历史查询
The Role of Rational Emotive Education on Mental Health of Middle School Students 理性情绪教育对提高学生心理健康的作用研究 短句来源 The Theoretical Analysis of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and the Research That the University Student 理性情绪行为疗法理论分析及其对大学生抑郁情绪调控的研究 短句来源 Sometimes in high spirits, sometimes in low spirits. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the impact to the emotional stability of Junior high school students according to the emotional education which combine many theories such as theory of rational emotive education, theory of emotional intelligence, theory of multiple intelligence and give some suggestions on how to implement emotive education to the school according to the result of this study. 因此本研究旨在探讨基于理性情绪教育理论、情绪智力理论、多元智力理论的情绪教育对初中生情绪稳定性的影响并根据研究的发现,提出具体建议,以作为学校情绪教育及进一步研究提供参考。 短句来源 Objective:To study the positive effect of rational emotive education on developing the self concept of students, enhancing the stability of emotion, and promoting their mental heath. 目的 :探讨理性情绪教育在提升学生自我概念 ,增进情绪稳定性 ,促进心理健康方面的有效性。 短句来源 Method: 92 students of grade 8 in Huayuan Junior Middle School were selected as the sample. 46 were in the study class, who received half years of rational emotive education, the other 46 students were in the control class who received normal education. 方法 :选取丽水市花园中学初二年级学生 92人 (实验班 46人 ,对照班 46人 ) ,对实验班进行一个学期 ( 1 8周 )的理性情绪教育 ,对照班不接受理性情绪教育。 短句来源 更多 The Methodological Research of Mental-health Education in Higher Vocational Colleges ——Rational-emotive Therapy and Mental-health Education 高职院校心理健康教育方法探索——理性情绪干预与高职心理健康教育 短句来源 An Experimental Study on the Rational-emotive Education to the Test Anxiety of Junior High School Student 理性情绪教育对初中学生考试焦虑的干预实验研究 短句来源 This course is mainly based on Rational-emotive Therapy ( RET) by Albert Ellis from the USA, referring to " A Course Design for Rational Education" by Wu Lijuan from Taiwan as well. 本次研究的理性情绪教育辅导课程主要以美国艾里斯(Albert Ellis)建立的理性情绪治疗理论(Rational-emotive therapy,RET)为基础,借鉴台湾学者吴丽娟老师的《理情教育课程设计》中的理念设计而成。 短句来源 The research is aimed at designing a rational-emotive education (REE) course which satisfies the actual demands of the school, and at the same time making a study of the effect it may have on reducing or removing unhealthy mood. 本研究旨在设计一套针对我校实际需要的理性情绪教育(Rational-emotive education,REE)辅导课程,并探讨该课程在减低或消除不良情绪及提高心理健康方面的辅导效果。 短句来源 However, how take rational-emotive therapy in emotional education is lack of practice in class, especially aiming to the junior high school students. 但是,将理性情绪理论用于情绪教育还缺乏纳入课堂教学的实践研究。 短句来源 Rational-EmotiveTherapy: An Effective Method of Handling College Students' Psychological Problems 理性情绪疗法是解决大学生心理困扰的有效方法 短句来源 A Study on the Effect of a REE Based Counseling Program on Improving Students' Emotion in High School 基于理性情绪教育的辅导课程对改善高中生不良情绪的效果研究 短句来源 Survey results indicate that : 1 )Most high school students in this sample identify with the view of human nature of humanistic and cognitive school ,whereas relative few identify with that of behavioral school. 结果如下:1.高中生比较认同人本主义学派(当事人中心疗法)和认知学派(理性情绪疗法)的人性观,较少认同行为主义学派(行为疗法)的人性观。 短句来源 1. To inquire into the effect the REE course may have on reducing or removing emotional perplexity, promoting rational thinking and emotional steadiness so as to improve the students' psychological health; 1、探讨理性情绪教育辅导课程在消除或减低情绪困扰、增进理性思维及情绪稳定性,全面提高学生心理健康方面的辅导效果; 短句来源 The classes and exercises were designed according to the theory mentioned above, as the contrast; 课程及课后作业的设计以理性情绪教育理论、情绪智力理论、多元智力理论和初中生的实际情况为依据。 短句来源 更多
rational emotive
Existing definitions either lead to the inclusion of procedures that are not generally regarded as placebos (e.g., systematic desensitization and rational emotive therapy) or result in an empty set.
It is argued that rational emotive assessment techniques may be too directive to ensure sufficient levels of self-discovery.
Cognitive style and counselor credibility: Effects on client endorsement of Rational Emotive Therapy
Eighteen DSM-III diagnosed obsessive-compulsives were randomly allocated to two treatment conditions: (1) Rational Emotive Therapy (RET) and (2) exposure in vivo.
In his recent formulations of rational emotive therapy (RET), Ellis (1985) has increasingly emphasized what he believes to be the central role of necessitous thinking or "musturbation" in the development of depression.
The first is a cognitive behavioral stress management program which has three component parts: relaxation training, rational-emotive training, and assertiveness training.
This was attributed to the fact that the former gained less from the rational-emotive training, denied problems with assertiveness, and did not practice the acquired relaxation skills.
This article discusses the sources of stress and tension and provides a partial solution based upon the principles of Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET).
The treatment components of challenging maladaptive cognitions and learning self-instructions were examined by comparing Rational-Emotive, Self-Instructional, and Behavioral Assertion Training.
However, on an in vivo test of transfer of training at posttest, only the Rational-Emotive group evidenced significant generalization of treatment gains.
The thesis studies the therapeutic effect of group psychological counseling on treating depression of the university students.We adopt group psychological counseling as our therapeutic form.The therapeutic method is cognitive behavior modification (including retional emotive therapy).The participants are university students.We evaluate the effect of the group activities by many methods and find group psychological counseling can alleviate the degree of the participants'depvession effectively.Through the activities,We...
The thesis studies the therapeutic effect of group psychological counseling on treating depression of the university students.We adopt group psychological counseling as our therapeutic form.The therapeutic method is cognitive behavior modification (including retional emotive therapy).The participants are university students.We evaluate the effect of the group activities by many methods and find group psychological counseling can alleviate the degree of the participants'depvession effectively.Through the activities,We enrich our experience and find some problems at the same time,It deserves further study.
本文研究了团体心理咨询在治疗大学生的抑郁症方面的效果。我们采用的治疗形式是团体心理咨询 ,治疗方法是认知行为疗法 (包括理性情绪疗法 ) ,被试是四名大学生。我们对团体活动的效果采用了多种方法进行评估 ,结果发现 ,团体心理治疗可以有效地减轻大学生的抑郁程度。活动中我们取得了一定的经验 ,但同时也发现了一些问题 ,值得我们做进一步的研究
Objective:To study the positive effect of rational emotive education on developing the self concept of students, enhancing the stability of emotion, and promoting their mental heath. Method: 92 students of grade 8 in Huayuan Junior Middle School were selected as the sample. 46 were in the study class, who received half years of rational emotive education, the other 46 students were in the control class who received normal education. The study class used a self designed teaching material once a weel. At the...
Objective:To study the positive effect of rational emotive education on developing the self concept of students, enhancing the stability of emotion, and promoting their mental heath. Method: 92 students of grade 8 in Huayuan Junior Middle School were selected as the sample. 46 were in the study class, who received half years of rational emotive education, the other 46 students were in the control class who received normal education. The study class used a self designed teaching material once a weel. At the last, SCL 90, Tennessee Self concept Scale, and Aishenke Emotion Stability Scale were used to evaluate the effect.Results:Rational emotive education is helpful in improving self concept, emotion stability, and mental health of student; Rational emotive education meet the need of the growing teen age.
目的 :探讨理性情绪教育在提升学生自我概念 ,增进情绪稳定性 ,促进心理健康方面的有效性。方法 :选取丽水市花园中学初二年级学生 92人 (实验班 46人 ,对照班 46人 ) ,对实验班进行一个学期 ( 1 8周 )的理性情绪教育 ,对照班不接受理性情绪教育。用自行设计的理情教育教材对实验班学生进行每周一课时的干预。最后用SCL -90量表、田纳西自我概念量表和艾森克情绪稳定性量表进行评定。结果 :理性情绪教育对提升学生的自我概念、情绪稳定性和增进学生心理健康方面有良好的促进作用 ;理性情绪教育十分适合成长中青少年的需要。
According to psychologists of emotion and clinic, testing anxiety is a kind of r ealistic anxiety, caused directly by the mental pressure of testing situation b ut put into psychic syndromes by some personality variables such as fears of lo ss, over-concerns about the results and horrors of uncertainty in the future. We can help clients who are suffering from testing anxiety by three means: cogniti ve adjustment, improving self-evaluation and self-esteem; self-defence mechanism analysis; psycho-therapeutic technique...
According to psychologists of emotion and clinic, testing anxiety is a kind of r ealistic anxiety, caused directly by the mental pressure of testing situation b ut put into psychic syndromes by some personality variables such as fears of lo ss, over-concerns about the results and horrors of uncertainty in the future. We can help clients who are suffering from testing anxiety by three means: cogniti ve adjustment, improving self-evaluation and self-esteem; self-defence mechanism analysis; psycho-therapeutic technique of RET (Rational Emotional Therapy); car eful plan and effective action ( By the psycho-therapeutic techniques of GT (Ges talt Therapy) and AAL (Action Analysis of Life); regulating diet and all detaile d arrangements of daily life; getting self control in processes of test. We can find many effective ways to cope with testing anxiety only if we can face direct ly the problem.
情绪与临床心理学家认为 ,考试焦虑是直接由考试情景引发心理压力的一种现实性焦虑。一旦与害怕失败、过分关注未来不确定结果以至恐惧的人格特征结合 ,就会引发心理精神症状。我们通过多种方法来帮助考试焦虑困扰者 :通过认知调节改善自我评价方式 ,提高自尊水平 ;自我防御机制分析 ;RET心理治疗技术 (理性情绪疗法 ) ;精心计划、有效行动的现实感建构疗法 (基于格式塔疗法 )与生活行动分析法 ;合理的膳食结构与规律性强的生活起居 ,考试过程中的良好自我控制 ,等等。只要我们能够直面考试焦虑 ,我们就能够找到有效的方法来有效对付它。
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