发布时间:2021-08-10 08:16
【文章页数】:74 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Objectives of the study
1.3 Significance of the study
1.4 Structure of the thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction to deixis
2.1.1 Definition of deixis
2.1.2 Classification of deixis
2.1.3 Functions of deixis
2.2 Studies of deixis at home and abroad
2.2.1 Studies of deixis abroad
2.2.2 Studies of deixis at home
2.3 Studies of proofreading at home
2.3.1 Proofreading in NEMT
2.3.2 Types of proofreading
2.3.3 Deixis in discourse proofreading
2.4 Deixis-based study of discourse proofreading
2.4.1 Cohesion and coherence
2.4.2 Deixis and discourse organization
2.4.3 Deictic teaching and development of discourse competence
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Methodology
3.1 Research questions
3.2 Subjects
3.3 Research methods and instruments
3.3.1 Materials for teaching and testing content
3.3.2 Pretest and post-test
3.3.3 Questionnaires
3.3.4 Interviews
3.4 Teaching experiment procedures
3.4.1 Deixis in discourse proofreading teaching for EC
3.4.2 An example of discourse proofreading teaching
3.5 Summary
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
4.1 Results and analysis of deixis use in NMET(I)discourse proofreading
4.1.1 Results of deixis use in discourse proofreading
4.1.2 Analysis of error correction about deixis use in discourse proofreading
4.1.3 Situation of the students’deixis use in NMETI discourse proofreading
4.2 Results and analysis of the pretest and post-test
4.2.1 Students’performance of the pretest before the experiment
4.2.2 Students’performance of the post-test after the experiment
4.3 Results and analysis of the questionnaires
4.3.1 Students’deictic awareness and discourse proofreading understanding before theexperiment
4.3.2 Students’progress in taking discourse proofreading after the experiment
4.4 Results and analysis of the interviews
4.4.1 Recognition of deixis and discourse proofreading before the experiment
4.4.2 Students’reflection on discourse proofreading after the experiment
4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major findings
5.2 Implications of this study
5.2.1 Implications for teacher’s instruction in discourse proofreading
5.2.2 Implications for students’discourse proofreading learning
5.3 Limitations and suggestions for the further study
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
[1]高考英语短文改错题的语篇输入与预期回答任务特征共时研究——以2016年高考英语全国卷(Ⅰ 、Ⅱ、 Ⅲ卷)为例[J]. 万梓珺. 英语教师. 2017(13)
[2]语用指示词的分类及其在语篇中的应用分析[J]. 吉小红. 疯狂英语(教师版). 2013(02)
[3]高考英语短文改错题型设错类型及归因探究[J]. 王彩青,于万锁. 教学与管理. 2012(09)
[4]高考英语的期望后效与实际后效——基于短文改错题的调查[J]. 亓鲁霞. 课程.教材.教法. 2007(10)
[5]功能语篇分析纵横谈[J]. 黄国文. 外语与外语教学. 2001(12)
[6]英语短文改错题的语言测试学分析[J]. 周长银,李玉良. 建材高教理论与实践. 2000(02)
[7]语篇能力与高效英语阅读[J]. 陆国君. 南通师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版). 2000(01)
[8]短文改错与语言能力的考察[J]. 杨钟琳. 外语教学与研究. 1994(03)
[9]英语阅读改错题型分析[J]. 李崴,曾用强,索玉柱. 外语界. 1993(03)
[1]基于有声思维理论的高考英语短文改错教学策略的研究[D]. 周梅.福建师范大学 2015
[2]高考英语短文改错测试对英语写作的反拨作用研究[D]. 秦建军.西北师范大学 2015
[3]英语指示语的先用与反先用现象研究[D]. 唐盈.华东师范大学 2010
[4]心理距离对英汉指示语用法的影响[D]. 程淑芳.上海外国语大学 2008
[5]通过语篇分析教学提高NMET短文改错[D]. 江伟玲.西南大学 2007
【文章页数】:74 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Objectives of the study
1.3 Significance of the study
1.4 Structure of the thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction to deixis
2.1.1 Definition of deixis
2.1.2 Classification of deixis
2.1.3 Functions of deixis
2.2 Studies of deixis at home and abroad
2.2.1 Studies of deixis abroad
2.2.2 Studies of deixis at home
2.3 Studies of proofreading at home
2.3.1 Proofreading in NEMT
2.3.2 Types of proofreading
2.3.3 Deixis in discourse proofreading
2.4 Deixis-based study of discourse proofreading
2.4.1 Cohesion and coherence
2.4.2 Deixis and discourse organization
2.4.3 Deictic teaching and development of discourse competence
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Methodology
3.1 Research questions
3.2 Subjects
3.3 Research methods and instruments
3.3.1 Materials for teaching and testing content
3.3.2 Pretest and post-test
3.3.3 Questionnaires
3.3.4 Interviews
3.4 Teaching experiment procedures
3.4.1 Deixis in discourse proofreading teaching for EC
3.4.2 An example of discourse proofreading teaching
3.5 Summary
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
4.1 Results and analysis of deixis use in NMET(I)discourse proofreading
4.1.1 Results of deixis use in discourse proofreading
4.1.2 Analysis of error correction about deixis use in discourse proofreading
4.1.3 Situation of the students’deixis use in NMETI discourse proofreading
4.2 Results and analysis of the pretest and post-test
4.2.1 Students’performance of the pretest before the experiment
4.2.2 Students’performance of the post-test after the experiment
4.3 Results and analysis of the questionnaires
4.3.1 Students’deictic awareness and discourse proofreading understanding before theexperiment
4.3.2 Students’progress in taking discourse proofreading after the experiment
4.4 Results and analysis of the interviews
4.4.1 Recognition of deixis and discourse proofreading before the experiment
4.4.2 Students’reflection on discourse proofreading after the experiment
4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major findings
5.2 Implications of this study
5.2.1 Implications for teacher’s instruction in discourse proofreading
5.2.2 Implications for students’discourse proofreading learning
5.3 Limitations and suggestions for the further study
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
[1]高考英语短文改错题的语篇输入与预期回答任务特征共时研究——以2016年高考英语全国卷(Ⅰ 、Ⅱ、 Ⅲ卷)为例[J]. 万梓珺. 英语教师. 2017(13)
[2]语用指示词的分类及其在语篇中的应用分析[J]. 吉小红. 疯狂英语(教师版). 2013(02)
[3]高考英语短文改错题型设错类型及归因探究[J]. 王彩青,于万锁. 教学与管理. 2012(09)
[4]高考英语的期望后效与实际后效——基于短文改错题的调查[J]. 亓鲁霞. 课程.教材.教法. 2007(10)
[5]功能语篇分析纵横谈[J]. 黄国文. 外语与外语教学. 2001(12)
[6]英语短文改错题的语言测试学分析[J]. 周长银,李玉良. 建材高教理论与实践. 2000(02)
[7]语篇能力与高效英语阅读[J]. 陆国君. 南通师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版). 2000(01)
[8]短文改错与语言能力的考察[J]. 杨钟琳. 外语教学与研究. 1994(03)
[9]英语阅读改错题型分析[J]. 李崴,曾用强,索玉柱. 外语界. 1993(03)
[1]基于有声思维理论的高考英语短文改错教学策略的研究[D]. 周梅.福建师范大学 2015
[2]高考英语短文改错测试对英语写作的反拨作用研究[D]. 秦建军.西北师范大学 2015
[3]英语指示语的先用与反先用现象研究[D]. 唐盈.华东师范大学 2010
[4]心理距离对英汉指示语用法的影响[D]. 程淑芳.上海外国语大学 2008
[5]通过语篇分析教学提高NMET短文改错[D]. 江伟玲.西南大学 2007