发布时间:2021-08-12 02:09
【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:100 页
1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the research
1.2 Significance of the research
1.3 Layout of the dissertation
2. Literature Review
2.1 Related concepts
2.1.1 The definition of presupposition
2.1.2 The definition of generation
2.2 Studies on presupposition and generation
2.2.1 The studies on presupposition at home and abroad
2.2.2 The studies on generation at home and abroad
2.3 Research on novice teachers and student teachers
2.3.1 Teaching and classroom management
2.3.2 Professional psychology and occupational state
2.3.3 Studies on student teachers
2.4 Theoretical framework
2.4.1 Constructivism learning theory
2.4.2 Generative learning theory
3. Research Design and Data Collection
3.1 Research questions
3.2 Research participants
3.3 Research instruments
3.4 Data collection
4. Result Analysis
4.1 The status quo of presupposition and generation
4.1.1 General status quo of presupposition and generation
4.1.2 Presupposition on teaching activities and corresponding generation
4.1.3 Presupposition on students and corresponding generation
4.1.4 Presupposition on teachers and corresponding generation
4.1.5 Student teachers' recognizing the importance of presupposition andgeneration
4.2 Factors causing unsatisfactory generation
4.2.1 Factors causing unsatisfactory presupposed generation
4.2.2 Factors causing unsatisfactory impromptu generation
5. Discussions
5.1 Inadequate presupposition on situational parts
5.2 Unfavorable teaching context
5.3 Deficient pedagogical content knowledge
5.4 Insensitive to the effects of generation
6. Conclusion
6.1 The main findings
6.2 Pedagogical implications
6.2.1 Make appropriate presupposition on situational parts
6.2.2 Built a closer tie between presupposition and expected generation
6.2.3 Transform generative consciousness to generative teaching behaviors
6.2.4 Learn from after-class reflection
6.3 Limitations of the study
6.4 Suggestions on further studies
Appendix one
Appendix two
Appendix three
Appendix four
[1]实习教师的反思:理论研究与来自美国教师教育实习项目的探讨[J]. 杨秀玉. 外国教育研究. 2009(12)
[2]专家型教师与新手教师课堂提问的比较研究[J]. 郑友富. 教育科学研究. 2009(11)
[3]教师教学行为研究的几个维度与评析[J]. 魏宏聚. 河南大学学报(社会科学版). 2009(05)
[4]新课程下高中历史教学的预设与生成[J]. 钱丽华. 文教资料. 2009(22)
[5]英语课堂教学中的预设与生成[J]. 王蔷. 英语教师. 2009(08)
[6]论预设性教学中的教师教学智慧[J]. 孙小利,冀杰. 现代企业教育. 2009(14)
[7]大学英语教学中的预设提问策略探讨[J]. 李涛. 才智. 2009(14)
[8]论课堂教学的预设与生成[J]. 王俪嘉,朱德全. 基础教育研究. 2009(08)
[9]教学目标的预设与生成[J]. 龙安邦. 现代教育科学. 2008(12)
[10]试论预设性教学的内涵与特点[J]. 王鉴,张晓洁. 课程.教材.教法. 2008(02)
[1]初中英语实习教师课堂时间管理现状的调查研究[D]. 邓翠.山西师范大学 2017
[2]高中思想政治课堂教学“预设”与“生成”问题研究[D]. 邵俊连.四川师范大学 2017
[3]化学师范生教学情境创设现状的调查与分析[D]. 吴路路.鲁东大学 2016
[4]八年级思想品德课预设与生成研究[D]. 张慧娟.内蒙古师范大学 2015
[5]中学语文课堂教学中预设与生成的研究[D]. 于聪.长春师范大学 2014
[6]高中物理课堂教学目标预设与生成[D]. 刘忠智.陕西师范大学 2014
[7]小学英语生成性教学的误区及对策研究[D]. 林琳.首都师范大学 2013
[8]高中化学新手型教师与经验型教师学科教学知识对比研究[D]. 赵芹.华中师范大学 2013
[9]初中物理教学情境创设的问题及对策研究[D]. 张路.河南大学 2013
[10]生物学教育实习教师教学反思现状的调查研究[D]. 秦美玲.东北师范大学 2012
【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:100 页
1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the research
1.2 Significance of the research
1.3 Layout of the dissertation
2. Literature Review
2.1 Related concepts
2.1.1 The definition of presupposition
2.1.2 The definition of generation
2.2 Studies on presupposition and generation
2.2.1 The studies on presupposition at home and abroad
2.2.2 The studies on generation at home and abroad
2.3 Research on novice teachers and student teachers
2.3.1 Teaching and classroom management
2.3.2 Professional psychology and occupational state
2.3.3 Studies on student teachers
2.4 Theoretical framework
2.4.1 Constructivism learning theory
2.4.2 Generative learning theory
3. Research Design and Data Collection
3.1 Research questions
3.2 Research participants
3.3 Research instruments
3.4 Data collection
4. Result Analysis
4.1 The status quo of presupposition and generation
4.1.1 General status quo of presupposition and generation
4.1.2 Presupposition on teaching activities and corresponding generation
4.1.3 Presupposition on students and corresponding generation
4.1.4 Presupposition on teachers and corresponding generation
4.1.5 Student teachers' recognizing the importance of presupposition andgeneration
4.2 Factors causing unsatisfactory generation
4.2.1 Factors causing unsatisfactory presupposed generation
4.2.2 Factors causing unsatisfactory impromptu generation
5. Discussions
5.1 Inadequate presupposition on situational parts
5.2 Unfavorable teaching context
5.3 Deficient pedagogical content knowledge
5.4 Insensitive to the effects of generation
6. Conclusion
6.1 The main findings
6.2 Pedagogical implications
6.2.1 Make appropriate presupposition on situational parts
6.2.2 Built a closer tie between presupposition and expected generation
6.2.3 Transform generative consciousness to generative teaching behaviors
6.2.4 Learn from after-class reflection
6.3 Limitations of the study
6.4 Suggestions on further studies
Appendix one
Appendix two
Appendix three
Appendix four
[1]实习教师的反思:理论研究与来自美国教师教育实习项目的探讨[J]. 杨秀玉. 外国教育研究. 2009(12)
[2]专家型教师与新手教师课堂提问的比较研究[J]. 郑友富. 教育科学研究. 2009(11)
[3]教师教学行为研究的几个维度与评析[J]. 魏宏聚. 河南大学学报(社会科学版). 2009(05)
[4]新课程下高中历史教学的预设与生成[J]. 钱丽华. 文教资料. 2009(22)
[5]英语课堂教学中的预设与生成[J]. 王蔷. 英语教师. 2009(08)
[6]论预设性教学中的教师教学智慧[J]. 孙小利,冀杰. 现代企业教育. 2009(14)
[7]大学英语教学中的预设提问策略探讨[J]. 李涛. 才智. 2009(14)
[8]论课堂教学的预设与生成[J]. 王俪嘉,朱德全. 基础教育研究. 2009(08)
[9]教学目标的预设与生成[J]. 龙安邦. 现代教育科学. 2008(12)
[10]试论预设性教学的内涵与特点[J]. 王鉴,张晓洁. 课程.教材.教法. 2008(02)
[1]初中英语实习教师课堂时间管理现状的调查研究[D]. 邓翠.山西师范大学 2017
[2]高中思想政治课堂教学“预设”与“生成”问题研究[D]. 邵俊连.四川师范大学 2017
[3]化学师范生教学情境创设现状的调查与分析[D]. 吴路路.鲁东大学 2016
[4]八年级思想品德课预设与生成研究[D]. 张慧娟.内蒙古师范大学 2015
[5]中学语文课堂教学中预设与生成的研究[D]. 于聪.长春师范大学 2014
[6]高中物理课堂教学目标预设与生成[D]. 刘忠智.陕西师范大学 2014
[7]小学英语生成性教学的误区及对策研究[D]. 林琳.首都师范大学 2013
[8]高中化学新手型教师与经验型教师学科教学知识对比研究[D]. 赵芹.华中师范大学 2013
[9]初中物理教学情境创设的问题及对策研究[D]. 张路.河南大学 2013
[10]生物学教育实习教师教学反思现状的调查研究[D]. 秦美玲.东北师范大学 2012