[Abstract]:The healthy development of young children is the cornerstone of social harmony and the source of people's happiness. Family is the first environment for a child to live after birth, and everything in the family is impressed by the child's innocent mind. Mr. Chen Heqin, a famous child educator, once said, "as for the richness of knowledge, the development of ideas and the cultivation of good habits, family education should bear full responsibility." Thus, family education is crucial to a person's growth. With the rapid development of society, more and more parents realize the importance of family education. Due to the lack of knowledge and experience of parents, they can not solve the related educational problems in time and effectively, so parents urgently need family education guidance from relevant educational institutions. The researchers investigated the current situation of family education guidance in kindergartens and related educational institutions. First of all, to understand the current kindergarten and related educational institutions for parents to carry out family education guidance methods, content, frequency and other practical situations. Secondly, investigate the urgent needs of parents for family education. Finally, a comparative study is made between the actual situation of parents receiving education guidance and their needs. According to the investigation and analysis, there are many problems in the educational guidance of kindergarten and social organizations. First, the content of educational guidance is too "one-sided", parents are difficult to obtain comprehensive and balanced education guidance. Secondly, in the way of educational guidance, collective education guidance is mainly adopted, and one-to-one individual education guidance method is seldom used. Third, the frequency, time and duration of the guidance reflect less times, time concentration, time is too long. At the same time, through the investigation of parents' educational guidance needs, most parents urgently need comprehensive, individual and short-term family education guidance. This causes the deviation between kindergarten and related social institutions and parents' educational needs. According to the conclusion of the investigation, the author will put forward some suggestions for solving the problem of deviation between parents' educational guidance needs and the actual situation of relevant educational institutions.
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