对外汉语学科体系表_对外汉语教学学科发展说略.pdf 全文 文档投稿网
对外汉语教学学科发展说略程 棠(北京语言大学, 北京100083 )
[关键词] 对外汉语教学; 学科发展 [摘 要] 对外汉语教学研究,是中国语言学的一个组成部分,其研究内容包括两个方面:学科理论研究和汉语研究。对外汉语教学学科建设在20 世纪后半叶走过了三个阶段:准备阶段、创建阶段和发展阶段。对外汉语教学中的汉语研究既具有中国汉语语言学的共同特点,又有自己的特色,即更加强调实用性和针对性,并紧密与对外汉语教学实践和教材编写相联系。 [中图分类号]H195. 1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1003 - 7365(2004) 06 - 0042 - 09
On the Development of the Discipline
of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
(Beijing Language and Culture University , Beijing 100083)
Key words : teaching Chinese as a foreign language ; development of the discipline
Abstract : As an integral part of Chinese linguistics , studies in teaching Chinese as a foreign language include
the theoretical research in the discipline and the study of the Chinese language. The establishment of the disci2
pline of teaching Chinese as a foreign language started in the latter half of the 20th century and experienced
three stages , namely the preparatory stage the establishing stage , and the developing stage. The study of
teaching Chinese as a foreign language bears the common characteristics of China’s Chinese linguistics as well
as its own distinctive features. It emphasizes pragmaticality and has explicit targets.
§ 0引言新中国的对外汉语教学,创建于1950年。在我国政府的大力支持下,50年来,取得了令人瞩目的成绩。从事对外汉语教学的高等学校由初期的一两所发展到300 多所;对外汉语教师由几个人扩大到5000来人;来华学习汉语的外国留学生由每年的二三十人增加到近5 万人。对外汉语教学现已形成了一个以学校教育