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发布时间:2018-06-15 09:41

  本文选题:儿童早期习得 + 普通话 ; 参考:《北京语言大学》2009年博士论文

【摘要】:本研究主要考察了普通话儿童早期习得句法范畴“动词”的发展过程与习得机制。儿童早期语言习得是基于规则的,还是基于归纳的?儿童的语言发展是一个创造性地运用言语并检验自我假设的过程,还是一个依靠一般认知能力并模仿外部输入语言的过程?外部语言输入在早期语言习得过程中究竟发挥着怎样的作用?论文所进行的研究就肇始于对这些问题的深入思考,并力图从系统的自然儿童习得语料中去寻求回答。 理论架构方面,本研究既融合了当前语言习得前沿理论的核心思想,比如句法启动研究,也汲取了汉语传统语法研究中的一些重要学说,比如关于汉语词类划分的“广义形态说”的思想精髓,以便努力实现儿童语言习得事实与语言习得理论的充分而紧密的结合,并且致力于能利用语言习得研究的发现为语言本体理论的发展提供推动力。 习得理论方面,本研究主要将句法和语义接口作为研究的切入点,尝试勾勒出儿童早期动词与论元结构习得的发展脉络,不但提出了儿童早期动词习得的“扩散性”模式,并且立足于儿童习得的基本特征对习得机制进行了深入而全面的理论阐释,即儿童语言习得是基于规则的并且表现出创造性特征。对于语言本体研究而言,本研究所提供的儿童早期习得语料和相关理论分析同样能提供理论论证的重要素材和理论拓展的有力支持,比如句法范畴动词、动词的句法表现形式、动词的论元结构、主导语序、担当特定论元的句法成分的层级等重大问题。不仅如此,作为基础研究的普通话儿童早期习得研究还能为汉语作为第二语言习得理论与教学提供强有力的支持,比如对外汉语教学。 研究在生成语法的原则与参数框架内展开,融合了句法启动的核心思想;同时,根据汉语缺少严格意义上的形态变化等句法特征,本研究汲取了“广义形态说”思想精髓,重新分析了作为句法范畴的汉语动词的句法表征,并且努力实现儿童语言习得事实与语言习得理论的充分结合。研究将普通话儿童早期动词习得作为研究对象,将特定句法成分或句法结构作为目标项目,比如动词重叠形式、动词“有、在、是”、动词“给”、含趋向动词“来、去”的复合趋向补语结构等。换言之,研究考察了动词重叠形式的早期习得,也着重考察了介于句法和语义接口层面的动词论元结构的早期习得,揭示了儿童早期动词习得的发展进程与习得机制。 本研究主要使用了3位操普通话的北京儿童两岁前的自然语言习得语料,共计121个单次取样语料,语料全部来自长期纵向追踪获得的汉语儿童早期语言习得语料。该语料库是一个大规模的儿童语言习得语料库,具有规范性和系统性特征。研究使用的儿童语料都经过了词性标注,也都进行了动词论元结构分析,从而保证研究能更科学而充分地展示普通话儿童早期动词习得的客观事实。 本研究语料统计的指导思想是“面向儿童语言习得事实”和“多种角度展示儿童早期动词习得”。本研究采用了多种统计方式对目标项目的儿童输出情况进行了系统的、穷尽式的考察,比如以单次取样为单位的纵向发展统计,以一个月为跨度的阶段性发展统计,再如基于儿童语料词性标注体系的统计与分析,基于动词论元结构分析的统计与分析;此外还采用了全面对照儿童输出与外部输入的语料库语言学研究方式,尤其是对儿童输出与对应外部输入之间的内在关系进行了全面考察,详尽地发掘了普通话儿童早期习得动词重叠形式与动词论元结构的发展进程,进而深入地探讨了儿童习得动词的具体机制与理论阐释。 第一章首先对主要术语进行了操作性界定,尤其对存在争议的问题提出相应的处理办法,以便研究中有所遵循,比如早期语言习得、动词、论元结构、句法启动等。其次,概述了早期动词习得与句法发展、词汇发展等的关系,重点讨论了基于自然语料的汉语儿童早期动词习得研究,并且分析了早期动词习得的研究方法,比如句法启动与汉语动词习得研究等。 第二章首先简要介绍了汉语儿童早期语言习得语料库,尤其是介绍了本研究使用的儿童语料的基本情况,比如语料选取、儿童基本信息、统计方法、模仿与自发的判定等。其次,简要介绍了论元结构分析体系,尤其是论元结构分析体系的主要特征“面向儿童语言习得事实”与“多种角度展示儿童早期动词习得”。最后,择要介绍了词性标注体系,特别是与早期动词习得研究相关的内容,比如确定“词”的标准、动词重叠形式的标注、动词性结构的标注等。 第三章利用动词论元结构分析体系考察了儿童早期习得动词重叠形式的情况,穷尽式追踪了儿童输出与对应外部输入的内在关系,揭示了早期动词习得的进程与机制。研究运用不同统计方式从多个角度探讨了儿童习得动词重叠形式的发展进程。统计方式分别涉及儿童ZTX在00;11;18-02;06;02期间习得动词重叠形式的整体发展,儿童ZTX在01;07-01;10期间习得动词重叠形式的阶段进展,以及儿童SJQ、ZTX、CY在两岁前习得动词重叠形式的横向对照。 研究发现,儿童在习得动词重叠形式中能将重叠规则应用于具有动词特征的词项上,表现出很强的创造性习得特征。研究支持,儿童早期动词习得是基于规则的,儿童已经具有了一定的动词范畴概念,外部语言输入对儿童早期动词习得能产生一定的积极促进作用。 第四章到第八章主要考察普通话儿童早期动词论元结构习得的发展进程与具体机制。其中,第四章到第六章研究使用的儿童语料分别涵盖了儿童SJQ、ZTX与CY两岁前的动词习得发展情况;第七章到第八章主要使用了经过词性标注的儿童ZTX在00;11;18-02;06;02期间的15个单次取样语料。 第四章主要呈现儿童输出的动词论元结构实例的总体分布情况,重点分析儿童早期动词习得的整体特征,并且利用具体语料集中论证了主导语序等在早期动词习得中发挥的积极作用。 第五章从三个不同角度全面剖析了儿童早期习得动词“有、在”的过程与机制。首先,研究考察了表达事物“存在”的句法表现形式中出现的动词;然后,考察了动词“有、在”在儿童输出中承担的核心句法功能;接着,考察了儿童输出的动词“有、在”实例与其对应外部输入实例之间的内在关系;最后,研究立足于详实的儿童习得事实讨论了儿童早期动词习得手段与发展机制,并且提出了早期动词习得的扩散式发展模式。 研究发现,特定动词与特定句法框架之间确实存在清晰而稳定的对应关系。研究也表明,儿童在早期动词习得中不但能认知外部输入中的主导语序、句法框架等句法特征,而且具有动词范畴概念,可以创造性地输出言语。 研究支持,外部输入中的句法框架等句法特征能成为儿童早期动词习得中的句法线索,并能对早期动词习得产生积极的促进作用。研究也验证了,儿童早期动词习得是一个逐步成熟的、基于规则的发展过程。 第六章考察以“是”为代表的判断动词的儿童早期习得,并且主要讨论动词“是”习得与表达“判断”的句法框架“客体_类属”之间的内在关系。第七章着重考察了动词“给”的儿童早期习得。第八章着重考察了含“来”或“去”的复合趋向补语动词结构的儿童早期习得。 这些研究同样支持儿童早期动词“有、在”习得研究的结论。同时,这些研究进一步验证了儿童早期动词习得呈现出扩散式发展模式。儿童首先习得具有特定表述功能的特定动词与特定句法表现形式,再逐步习得其他有关的动词与句法表现形式。 第九章综合动词重叠形式与动词论元结构早期习得语料,着重讨论了主导语序、句法框架等句法特征在早期动词习得中所发挥的作用,并且揭示了早期动词习得的具体机制,也探讨了外部输入、论元层级等因素对早期动词习得的影响。 本部分首先阐述了对语言习得、动词范畴等问题的认识。其次,着重讨论了动词重叠形式的早期习得,尤其是儿童在早期动词习得中表现出来的创造性,并且进一步提供了复合趋向补语动词结构习得、能愿动词“要”习得等方面的证据。再次,重点讨论了动词论元结构的早期习得,尤其是语序、句法框架等能成为促进早期动词习得发展的句法线索,并且获得了动词“有、在、是、给”的早期习得研究的支持。最后,还讨论了早期动词习得中的客体论元居首等非主要论元结构、外部输入的作用、论元层级、扩散式发展模式等问题。 第十章对整个研究进行了全面总结,并且指出了本研究的特点与今后研究的方向。 本研究最后获得以下主要结论: (1)儿童早期动词重叠形式习得研究表明,儿童在早期动词习得中能将一定的句法规则正确应用到没有出现外部输入实例的词项上。儿童早期动词习得表现出来的创造性支持,儿童早期动词习得是基于规则的,并且儿童已经具有动词范畴的概念。 (2)儿童早期动词论元结构习得研究支持,特定动词与特定句法框架之间确实存在清晰而稳定的对应关系。儿童输出与对应外部输入的穷尽式对照表明,外部输入的句法框架等句法特征能成为早期动词习得中的句法线索,并且能发挥促进早期动词习得发展的积极作用。 (3)儿童早期动词论元结构习得研究支持,主导语序对早期动词习得具有重要的制约作用。儿童动词习得语料统计与分析表明,外部输入的主导语序等句法特征在早期动词习得中能产生积极的促进作用。 (4)儿童早期动词习得呈现出扩散式发展的趋势,这一特征不仅体现在动词论元结构的发展以及动词论元结构中出现动词的发展上,而且还体现在担当特定论元的句法成分形成的层级上;这一发展模式集中反映出典型性特征对儿童早期动词习得发展的深刻影响。 (5)外部输入能激发儿童早期动词习得,但又不是早期动词习得的唯一的、决定性的因素。
[Abstract]:This study mainly examines the development and acquisition mechanism of "verb" in the early acquisition of syntactic category by Putonghua children. Is early childhood language acquisition based on rules or based on induction? The development of children's language development is a process of creative use of speech and testing of self hypothesis, or by a general cognitive ability and model. The process of imitating the external input language? What is the role of external language input in the process of early language acquisition? The research carried out in this paper begins with deep thinking on these problems and tries to seek answers from the system's natural children's acquisition of language.
In terms of theoretical framework, this study not only combines the core ideas of the current theory of language acquisition frontiers, such as the study of syntactic priming, but also draws some important theories in the study of Chinese traditional grammar, such as the essence of the "generalized morphologic theory" of the division of Chinese words, in order to realize the fact and language acquisition of children's language acquisition. The theory is fully and tightly integrated, and is committed to making use of the findings of language acquisition research to provide impetus for the development of language ontology theory.
In the aspect of acquisition theory, this study mainly takes syntactic and semantic interfaces as the breakthrough point of the study and tries to outline the development context of early childhood verb and argument structure acquisition. It not only puts forward the "diffusible" pattern of early childhood acquisition of verbs, but also makes a thorough and comprehensive study of the acquisition mechanism based on the basic characteristics of children's acquisition. The theoretical explanation is that children's language acquisition is based on rules and shows creative characteristics. For language ontology research, the early childhood acquisition corpus and related theoretical analysis provided by this study can also provide important material and theoretical support for theoretical argument, such as syntactic category verbs, verbs' syntactic tables. The present form, the argument structure of the verb, the dominant word order, and the hierarchy of the syntactic elements of a particular argument. Not only that, the study of early acquisition of Mandarin children, as a basic study, can also provide a strong support for Chinese as a second language acquisition theory and teaching, such as teaching Chinese as a foreign language.
In the framework of the principles and parameters of generative grammar, the study integrates the core ideas of syntactic priming. At the same time, this study draws on the essence of the "generalized morphologic theory", and reanalyzes the syntactic representation of Chinese verbs as a syntactic domain, and tries to realize the syntactic representation of the Chinese verbs as a syntactic domain. The combination of the facts of children's language acquisition and the theory of language acquisition. The study of the acquisition of early verbs in Putonghua children as the object of study, the specific syntactic or syntactic structure as the target item, such as the verb overlapping form, the verb "yes, the", the verb "give", and the compound tendency complement structure of the tendency verb "come and go". In other words, in other words, the study examines the early acquisition of verb overlapping forms, and focuses on the early acquisition of the verb argument structure between the syntactic and semantic interfaces, and reveals the development process and acquisition mechanism of the early childhood acquisition of verbs.
This study mainly used 3 Mandarin Chinese children of Beijing in natural language acquisition before they were two years old, with a total of 121 single sampling materials. All of the corpus came from the early language acquisition corpus of Chinese children. The corpus is a large-scale corpus of children's language acquisition, which has the standard and systematic characteristics. The children's language materials used in the study are all part of speech tagging, and the verb argument structure analysis is carried out, so as to ensure that the study can more scientifically and fully demonstrate the objective facts of the early verb acquisition of Mandarin children.
In this study, the guiding ideology of corpus statistics is "factual acquisition of children's language" and "a variety of angles to demonstrate the acquisition of early childhood verbs". On the basis of the statistics and analysis of the children's speech tagging system, the statistics and analysis based on the verb argument structure analysis are also based on the statistics and analysis of the verb argument structure analysis. In addition, the corpus linguistics study of children's output and external input is also used, especially between the output of children and the corresponding external input. The relationship has been thoroughly investigated. The development process of the early acquisition of verb reduplication and the verb argument structure in Mandarin children is thoroughly explored, and the specific mechanism and theoretical interpretation of the children's acquisition of verbs are further explored.
In the first chapter, the operational definition of the main terminology is first defined, in particular, the corresponding treatment methods are put forward to the controversial issues, such as the early language acquisition, the verb, the argument structure and the syntactic start. Secondly, the relationship between the early verb acquisition and the syntactic development and the vocabulary development is summarized, and the emphasis is given to the discussion of the relationship between the early verb acquisition and the lexical development. The study of the early verb acquisition of Chinese children with natural corpus and the research methods of the early verb acquisition are analyzed, such as the syntactic priming and the study of the acquisition of Chinese verbs.
The second chapter briefly introduces the early language acquisition corpus of Chinese children, especially the basic situation of the children's corpus used in this study, such as the selection of the corpus, the basic information of children, the method of statistics, the imitation and the spontaneous determination. Secondly, it briefly introduces the analysis system of the argument structure, especially the principal of the analysis system of the meta structure. To feature "children's language acquisition factual" and "a variety of angles to demonstrate the acquisition of early childhood verbs". Finally, it is necessary to introduce the system of part of speech tagging, especially related to the study of early verb acquisition, such as the standard of "word", the mark of the verb overlapping form, and the tagging of the verb structure.
The third chapter uses the verb argument structure analysis system to investigate the situation of the early acquisition of verb overlaps in children. The exhaustive tracing of the intrinsic relationship between the children's output and the corresponding external input reveals the process and mechanism of the early verb acquisition. The development process. Statistical methods are related to the overall development of ZTX in 00; 11; 18-02; 06; 02; children's ZTX in the 01; 07-01; 10 acquisition of verb overlaps, and children's SJQ, ZTX, CY acquisition of Verb Reduplication in the form of horizontal control before the age of two.
It is found that children can apply the overlapping rules to the words with verb features in the form of the acquisition of verbs, and show a strong creative acquisition feature. The study supports that early childhood verb acquisition is based on rules. Children have a certain verb category concept and external language input to early childhood verbs acquisition. Can produce a certain positive effect.
The fourth chapter to the eighth chapter mainly examines the development process and specific mechanism of the early verb argument structure acquisition of Putonghua children. Among them, the children's corpus used in the fourth to sixth chapters cover the development of children's acquisition of verb SJQ, ZTX and CY before the two years of age, and the seventh to eighth chapters mainly use part of the children's ZT with part of speech tagging. 15 single sampling corpus of X at 00; 11; 18-02; 06; 02.
The fourth chapter mainly presents the overall distribution of the case of the verb argument structure in children's output, focusing on the overall characteristics of the early acquisition of the children's verbs, and using the specific corpus to demonstrate the positive effect of the predominant word order in the early verb acquisition.
The fifth chapter analyzes the process and mechanism of the early acquisition of the verb "there is, in" from three different angles. First, the study examines the verbs in the form of expression in the expression of "existence", and then examines the core syntactic function of the verb "there is" in the output of children; then, it examines the output of children. The intrinsic relationship between the verb "there is" an example and its corresponding external input case; finally, the study is based on the facts of the acquisition of children's acquisition facts to discuss the means of the early verb acquisition and the development mechanism of the children, and put forward a diffusion mode of development of the early verb acquisition.
It has been found that there is a clear and stable correspondence between specific verbs and specific syntactic frames. The study also shows that children can not only recognize the dominant word order in the external input, the syntactic frame and other syntactic features in the early verb acquisition, but also have the verb category concept, which can creatively output the speech.
Research supports that syntactic features such as the syntactic framework in the external input can become syntactic clues in the acquisition of early verbs and have a positive effect on the acquisition of early verbs. The study also proves that early childhood verb acquisition is a gradual and regular development process.
The sixth chapter examines the early acquisition of children represented by "yes", and discusses the intrinsic relationship between the verb "is" and the syntactic framework of "judgment". The seventh chapter focuses on the early acquisition of the "given" by the verb. The eighth chapter focuses on the investigation of "come" or "go". Children's early acquisition of compound directional complement verb structure.
These studies also support the conclusion of the early verb "there is, in" acquisition research. At the same time, these studies further verify that children's early verb acquisition presents a diffusive development model. Children first acquire specific verbs and specific syntactic forms with specific expression functions, and then gradually acquire other related verbs and syntax. Form of expression.
The ninth chapter combines the form of verb reduplication and the early acquisition of the verb argument structure, and focuses on the role of the predominant and syntactic features in the early verb acquisition, and reveals the specific mechanism of the early verb acquisition, and also discusses the influence of the external input and the argument on the early verb acquisition.
This section first expounds the understanding of language acquisition, verb category and other issues. Secondly, it focuses on the early acquisition of verb overlapping forms, especially the creativity of children in the early verb acquisition, and further provides evidence for the acquisition of the structure of the compound tending verb structure and the acquisition of the verb "want". Thirdly, it focuses on the early acquisition of the verb argument structure, especially the word order, the syntactic frame and so on, which can be the syntactic clue to promote the development of the early verb acquisition, and obtain the support of the early acquisition research of the verb "there is, in, it is,". Finally, it also discusses the non principal argument node in the acquisition of the object argument in the acquisition of the early verb. Structure, the role of external input, argument level, diffusion development model and so on.
The tenth chapter makes a comprehensive summary of the whole research, and points out the characteristics of this research and the direction of future research.
At the end of this study, the following main conclusions are obtained:
(1) early childhood verb overlapping form acquisition research shows that children can apply certain syntactic rules correctly to words without external input examples in early verb acquisition. The creative support expressed in early childhood acquisition of verbs is based on rules, and children have a verb model. The concept of domain.
(2) the study of early childhood verb argument structure acquisition supports that there is a clear and stable correspondence between the specific verb and the specific syntactic frame. The exhaustive contrast between the output of the child and the corresponding external input indicates that the syntactic features such as the syntactic framework of the external input can be the syntactic clues in the acquisition of the early verb and can be promoted. The active role of the acquisition and development of the early verb acquisition.
(3) the study of early childhood verb argument structure acquisition supports that the dominant word order plays an important role in the acquisition of early verb acquisition.


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