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发布时间:2018-07-15 18:08
【摘要】: 对外国留学生来说,在汉语学习中,听力是较难掌握的语言技能之一。在HSK考试中,许多学生也感觉听力较难,学生整体得分较低。听力差也成为这些留学生在中国学习和生活的最大障碍。通过对学生课堂上出现的错误进行总结,本人认识到学生听力能力差的原因之一是学生在听的过程中有许多障碍,而在教学过程中,缺乏有针对性的指导,学生没有得到有效的听力训练,所以大大影响了听力教学的效率。 本文以非洲留学生为研究对象,以听力理解障碍为研究论题,在前人研究的基础上,主要采取课堂测试和课后访谈的研究方法,通过对测试结果进行统计与分析,找出其听力障碍。 本文从听拼音、听句子、听短文三个方面对非洲留学生进行测试,对拼音中的声母、韵母、声调分别做了错误分析,找出听句子、听短文题型中的主要错误,分析错误原因。在此基础上提出了非洲留学生初级阶段听力教学的教学对策:针对非洲学生的听力障碍进行有的放矢的训练;语音训练应贯穿语言学习各阶段的始终;采用灵活多样的教学方法。 期望本文的调查研究能够帮助教师们更有针对性地进行非洲留学生的听力教学,提高教学效率。
[Abstract]:Listening is one of the most difficult language skills for foreign students. In the HSK test, many students also feel difficult to listen, students as a whole low score. Poor listening is also the biggest obstacle to studying and living in China. By summing up the mistakes made by students in class, I realize that one of the reasons for students' poor listening ability is that there are many obstacles in the process of listening, but in the process of teaching, there is a lack of targeted guidance. Students do not get effective listening training, so it greatly affects the efficiency of listening teaching. This paper takes the African students as the research object, takes the hearing comprehension barrier as the research topic, on the basis of the previous research, mainly adopts the classroom test and the after-class interview research method, through carries on the statistics and the analysis to the test result. Find out the hearing impairment. In this paper, African students are tested from three aspects: listening to Pinyin, listening to sentences and listening to short essays. The errors in initial, vowel and tone of Pinyin are analyzed, and the main errors in listening to sentences and short essays are found out, and the causes of errors are analyzed. On the basis of this, the author puts forward the teaching countermeasures of listening teaching for African students at the primary stage: aiming at the hearing barrier of African students, training pronunciation through every stage of language learning; Adopt flexible and diverse teaching methods. It is hoped that the investigation and research in this paper will help teachers to carry out the listening teaching of African students more pertinently and improve the teaching efficiency.


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9 孙Y冒,




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