[Abstract]:Japan has a history of transplanting Chinese culture in ancient times, and many elements of Chinese characters are preserved in Japanese. But how the Chinese language education in Japan took place, and how it developed and changed in the long history, is not well known. At present, Chinese and Japanese scholars mostly focus on the history of Chinese language education in modern Japan, but the research on the history of Chinese language education in ancient Japan is still blank. The author will look for clues from ancient books to explore the development and changes of Chinese language teaching in ancient Japan. Archaeological and historical data suggest that a small number of mainland Chinese may have entered the Japanese archipelago since 7000 years ago. By the fifth century BC, the inhabitants of the Chinese mainland and the Korean Peninsula had been invaded by the Japanese archipelago because of the war, and the Japanese society had changed by leaps and bounds. This kind of change is caused by the cultural input of the strong nation to the weak nation when the people of different nationalities live in the same place, and the communication of language is inevitable. In the 5th century AD, the real Chinese language teaching appeared in the court of Japan, served the Sinology education, and opened the history of the Chinese language attached to Sinology. In the 7th century AD, Chinese language education entered the university liao. Although Chinese language teaching was attached to Sinology education, it also had its own developing space. The teaching of Chinese characters, reading, pronunciation and writing was not neglected. With the arrival of the tenth century, the high tide of Sino-Japanese exchanges receded, the Japanese pseudonym system matured, the Chinese phonetic teaching was abandoned, and the history of Japanese training and reading of Chinese characters began. At the end of the twelfth century, the university was abolished, and in the following four centuries, the teaching of Chinese language was conducted in various ways. The monastery education gives the common children the opportunity to receive the education; the Fuli school is the base for training the teachers of Sinology; the monk of the five mountains Zen is also an important force in the teaching of Chinese language. At this time, the Chinese language teaching was gradually popularized, but the teaching content was limited to the teaching of Chinese characters and the Sinology education, which focused on reading the classics. At the beginning of the 17th century, the Chinese language education developed mainly in two directions. One is the traditional Chinese language education attached to Sinology, the other is the special Chinese language teaching, that is, Tang dialect teaching. The appearance of Tang Tong made Chinese language teaching independent from Sinology, and showed a unique pattern in teaching methods, teaching materials and so on. The development of Chinese language teaching in ancient Japan has changed according to the different needs of the times. At present, the cause of Chinese as a foreign language in China and the international promotion of Chinese language are flourishing. At the same time, we should pay close attention to the changes of the world situation and the changes required by learners in order to adjust the strategy in time and make the Chinese teaching career develop smoothly.
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