[Abstract]:Listening teaching is very important in the whole teaching of Chinese as a foreign language, and the practice of listening materials occupies an important position in listening teaching. However, up to now, many students still think that listening is very difficult. It's easy to get bored by not learning anything in listening lessons. Besides, there are some problems in the design of exercises, such as single exercise type, no systematicness, etc., and so far, There are few studies on the practice design of comprehensive intermediate listening teaching materials, and even less on the analysis of the textbooks published after 2000. Therefore, three representative comprehensive intermediate listening textbooks published after 2000 (including 2000) are selected in this paper. Through the concrete comparison and analysis of its exercise design, some constructive suggestions are obtained, and the rules of practice design are discussed. In this paper, we compare the purposes and principles of the three textbook exercises, find out their common points and differences, and absorb the essence, and put forward a more perfect comprehensive intermediate listening textbook purposes and principles. In addition, through the statistics of exercises and types of exercises in teaching materials, this paper puts forward some problems that should be paid attention to in the design of textbooks for the same and different types of exercises. Finally, according to the listening process, we divide listening practice into pre-listening, listening and post-listening exercises. Through the specific comparison of these exercises in the three textbooks, we find out the contents of listening exercises in each stage that should be emphatically investigated. In order to provide effective help to the practice design of comprehensive Intermediate listening textbook, this paper discusses and analyzes the rules of these exercises and puts forward some constructive suggestions.
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