[Abstract]:The teaching of Chinese as a foreign language (TCFL) has a history of about 50 years. However, at present, most of the performance tests in TCFL are compiled by teachers according to their own teaching experience. The tests are not based on the basic theories and principles of language testing. The effective technical means and scientific methods are seldom used to control the indexes of the test, and the quality of the test is difficult to be guaranteed. In addition, most of the reports on the results of the test still remain at the level of providing only absolute scores, and lack of diagnostic evaluation of students, so the help for students and teachers to improve their learning and teaching is limited. The purpose of this study is to use the rule-space model (RuleSpace Model), a new generation of measurement theory, to develop a more reasonable and scientific reading comprehension test for Chinese as a foreign language (TCSL) based on the structure of the target knowledge domain. The test results are analyzed with the rule space model method, and the diagnostic evaluation report is provided to the students, so as to provide more sufficient and useful feedback information for the students and teachers to improve their learning and teaching. In this study, we use the rule space model to determine the structure of Chinese reading comprehension skills, and then use these skills structure as the basis. On the basis of the study and analysis of the characteristics of the achievement test, the syllabus of Chinese Teaching for Foreign students in Colleges and Universities and the textbooks used by the subjects, a test for reading comprehension in the primary stage of TCFL was compiled. After the subjects were tested, we successfully classified the subjects by using the function of classification and diagnosis of RSM, and the rate of classification reached 94.05959. This study is the first application of the rule space model in the field of TCFL, and it is also an attempt to compile the test according to the test theory in the field of teaching Chinese as a foreign language (TCFL). We hope that this study can provide a new way of thinking and empirical reference for the compilation of TCFL tests in the future.
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