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发布时间:2018-08-13 16:01
【摘要】:本研究采用句法—语用界面的视角,对汉语存现句中相关句法语用问题进行了辨认与分析。根据句法—语用界面的观点,某个句法结构的阐释不仅会涉及句法领域,而且会涉及句法—语用的界面。在本文的分析框架中,句法-语用界面主要涉及到两个层面,即“前逻辑形式”层面和“后逻辑形式”层面,而这两个层面的语用分析都是在关联理论的总体框架之内进行的。本文研究的汉语存现句问题包括如下几个方面:(1)动词使用的限制;(2)论元句法位置的错位;(3)名词的格位;(4)有定效应。此外,本文还探讨了存现动词“有”的相关语法特征。 为了开展句法—语用界而研究,有必要辨别哪些问题属于纯句法问题,哪些属于句法—语用界面问题。 在纯句法问题方面,本文基于生成语言学的基本观点,发展了一个句法推导的模式。该模式一方面可以解决汉语存现句的一些问题,同时也可为句法—语用界面的研究提供出发点和句法基础。本文认为,汉语存现句中论元的句法位置、动词限制的大多数方面以及名词的格位问题可以在句法分析领域得到解决。汉语存现句的句法生成模式是基于事体结构向句法结构的映射。。一个复杂的事体包括一个外在论元和一个内在的简单事体。该复杂事体结构存在的前提是外在论元能与内在事体通过某个语义链建立联系。汉语存现句表达的也是复杂事体,其中方位词充当外在论元,其与内在事体建立联系的前提是内在事体发生在这个方位之内。因此,存现句中复杂事体结构中联系外存论元和内在事体的语义链是求属于领属关系的方位关系。当一个复杂事体映射到句法结构上时,外在论元处于句法较高处从而能够充当主语,而内在事体中的论元则只能出现在动词后的位置。基于本研究提出的事体结构映射的假设,“非有存现句”(即动词不是“有”)中方位词将出现在主语位置,另一个论元则出现在动词后的位置。根据这个句法生成的模式,汉语存现句中的“论元错位”现象可获得解读。这个句法生成模式也意味着只要动词所表达的事体能够在外在论元所指代的方位中发生就能够获得允准,从而解释了汉语存现句中的动词不局限于非宾格动词的语法现象。至于汉语存现句中的名词格位问题,我们基于汉语无格的假说,认为汉语的名词不需要通过格位获得允准。对于动词是“有”的存现句,如果“有”后面的名词没有带谓词,则表达的是简单事体结构,所有的句子成分都投射到“动词词组”领域内。如果“有”后面接有谓词,则该句体现的是复杂事体;与“非有”的存现句体现的复杂事体不同的是,这类存现句中连接外在论元和内在事体的语义链是通过动词“有”直接传达的。 本研究的重点是汉语存现句的句法—语用界面问题。本文提出,在“前逻辑形式”层面,需要解决的句法—语用界面问题包括复杂事体结构形成过程中的语用推理和及物动词在存现句中的论元限制。这一层面的界面问题指的是句法和语用在“逻辑形式”形成前发生互动,最终生成表达逻辑形式的合格结构。这个层面的互动有两类:(1)复杂事体结构中外在论元和内在事体结构之间语义链的语用推理。在句法生成的过程中,外在论元与内在事体结构的联系不是动词或者句法结构赋予的,而是语言使用者的语用推理所产生的,因此在句子生成过程的早期,语用推理就已经介入其中了。根据关联理论,在获得最佳关联的过程中,听话人结合普遍的句法结构、词汇信息和非语言的语境信息,最终推导出合理的逻辑形式,因此这个推理是获得“显义”过程中的一个步骤。(2)语言信息处理。本研究将语法的信息处理纳于关联理论框架之内,认为有些句法结构之所以不合格,是因为听话者在寻求话语最佳关联的过程中,由于付出的处理努力过高,最终放弃处理努力,以至认为句法结构不合法。在汉语存现句中及物动词的施事之所以不能出现,是由于将施事论元置于及物动词后会增加语言信息处理的压力,导致使用者一般不接受此类结构。 在“后逻辑形式”层面,句法—语用界而研究要解决的问题主要是有定效应问题。一个符合语法并且传达逻辑形式命题的句子结构,有可能因为受到语用因素的影响而不被接受。本文发展了关联理论对于名词指代在语用推理中的作用,认为一个名词的指代是否具有可及性,关键是看其在信息结构中的角色,当信息结构要求明确指代的名词在语篇中没有明确的指代时,句子的可接受度就会降低。句子的话题/焦点结构以及名词本身的信息特征共同允准一个名词是否能在句中出现。动词后的有定名词可以获得话题/焦点结构允准,只要其传达的信息不属于话语预设信息的一部分。然而有定名词本身的信息特征需要其指称的对象对于听话者来说是可及的。由于指称对象的确认需要语境的支持,因此在没有语境的前提下存现句动词后的有定名词一般不能被语言使用者接受。这也同时解释了为什么有定效应在某些语境下可以违反的现象。这个分析同时也可以用于对动词为“有”的存现句的研究:一个不定名词一般不能放在句首,但是当其处于“有”后面时,则可以获得允准。根据信息结构以及“有”字句的句法结构,不定名词放在句首是因为句首位置的名词一般是话题,必须提供一个预设的信息作为话语的起点,而不定名词的指代一般来说并不在听话人的预设中,从而导致句子不被听话人接受。当不定名词处于“有”后时,它不再是话题,不一定需要提供可及的指代,因此可以获得允准。此类结构的特征使得其经常行使两种功能:(1)将一个新的实体介绍到语境中;(2)为下文语篇提供话题。 本研究有如下几方面的意义。(1)本研究在宏观上分析了句法-语用界面研究的两个层面,同时阐明了具体操作中的理论框架,为句法—语用界面研究提供了一定的借鉴意义。(2)本研究拓展了关联理论的应用范围,通过具体的步骤阐明了该理论在句法-语用界面研究中的应用价值。(3)基于事体结构向句法结构映射的句法推导模式也为句法研究提供了新的视角。(4)解决了汉语存现句中的主要句法语用问题,对于语法教学特别是对外、汉语教学具有重要启示。
[Abstract]:From the perspective of syntactic-pragmatic interface, this study identifies and analyzes the relevant syntactic and pragmatic problems in Chinese existential sentences. According to the viewpoint of syntactic-pragmatic interface, the interpretation of a syntactic structure involves not only the syntactic field, but also the syntactic-pragmatic interface. It involves two levels, namely, the "pre-logical form" level and the "post-logical form" level, and the pragmatic analysis of these two levels is carried out within the framework of relevance theory. In addition, the grammatical features of the existential verb "You" are also discussed.
In order to carry out the study in the field of syntax-pragmatics, it is necessary to distinguish which problems belong to pure syntax and which belong to Syntax-Pragmatics interface.
Based on the basic viewpoint of generative linguistics, this paper develops a syntactic deduction model, which can solve some problems of Chinese existential sentences and provide a starting point and syntactic basis for the study of syntactic-pragmatic interface. Most aspects of word restriction and the case-position problem of nouns can be solved in the field of syntactic analysis. The syntactic generation pattern of Chinese existential sentences is based on the mapping of event structure to syntactic structure. The argument can be connected with the intrinsic event through a semantic chain. The Chinese existential sentence is also a complex event, in which the locative word acts as the extrinsic argument, and the premise of its connection with the intrinsic event is that the intrinsic event occurs within this position. Chain is to find the orientation relation belonging to the possessive relation. When a complex event is mapped to the syntactic structure, the external argument is at a higher syntactic level and can act as the subject, while the argument in the internal event can only appear after the verb. According to this pattern of syntactic generation, the phenomenon of "argument dislocation" in Chinese existential sentences can be interpreted. This syntactic generation pattern also means that as long as the object expressed by the verb can be represented in the position of the external argument. As for the nominal case in Chinese existential sentences, based on the Chinese unqualified hypothesis, we hold that Chinese nouns do not need to be allowed by case. For existential sentences where verbs are "you", if "you" are "you", the noun case in Chinese existential sentences does not need to be allowed by case. The noun after you has no predicate, it expresses a simple event structure, and all the sentence elements are projected into the field of verb phrases. And the semantic chain of internal things is directly conveyed by the verb "yes".
The focus of this study is on the syntactic-pragmatic interface of Chinese existential sentences.This paper proposes that the syntactic-pragmatic interface problems to be solved at the "pre-logical form" level include the pragmatic inference in the formation of complex event structures and the argument limitation of transitive verbs in existential sentences. Pragmatics interacts before the formation of "logical form" and eventually produces a qualified structure for expressing logical form. There are two types of interaction at this level: (1) Pragmatic reasoning of the semantic chain between the external argument and the internal event structure in a complex event structure. In the process of syntactic generation, the connection between the external argument and the internal event structure is not a verb. According to Relevance Theory, in the process of obtaining the optimal relevance, the hearer combines the general syntactic structure, lexical information and non-linguistic context information to derive the conjunction. In this study, grammatical information processing is incorporated into the framework of Relevance Theory, and some syntactic structures are found to be unqualified because of the efforts made by the listener in seeking the optimal relevance of the utterance. In Chinese existential sentences, the agent of the transitive verb can not appear because putting the agent argument behind the transitive verb will increase the pressure of language information processing, resulting in users generally not accepting such a structure.
At the post-logical level, the problem to be solved in the field of syntax and pragmatics is mainly the problem of definite effect. A sentence structure which conforms to grammar and conveys the proposition of logical form may not be accepted because it is influenced by pragmatic factors. Whether a noun's denotation is accessible or not depends on its role in the information structure. The acceptability of a sentence decreases when the denotative noun is not explicitly denoted in the text. The topic/focus structure of a sentence and the information characteristics of the noun itself allow a noun to be accepted or not. A definite noun after a verb can obtain the permission of the topic/focus structure as long as the information it conveys is not part of the presupposition information of the discourse. It also explains why certain effects can be violated in certain contexts. This analysis can also be used in the study of existential sentences where the verb is "you": an infinitive noun is generally not placed at the beginning of a sentence. According to the information structure and the syntactic structure of the sentence, the indefinite noun is placed at the beginning of the sentence because the noun at the beginning of the sentence is generally a topic and must provide a presupposed information as the starting point of the discourse, while the indefinite noun's denotation is generally not in the listener's presupposition. When the adverbial noun is after "you", it is no longer a topic and does not necessarily need to provide accessible references, so it can be granted.
This study has the following significance. (1) This study analyzes two aspects of the study of syntactic-pragmatic interface from a macroscopic perspective, and clarifies the theoretical framework of the specific operation, which provides a certain reference for the study of syntactic-pragmatic interface. (2) This study expands the scope of application of relevance theory and clarifies it through specific steps. The application value of the theory in the study of syntactic-pragmatic interface. (3) The syntactic deduction model based on the mapping of event structure to syntactic structure also provides a new perspective for syntactic research. (4) It solves the main syntactic and pragmatic problems in Chinese existential sentences and has important implications for grammar teaching, especially for foreigners.


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