[Abstract]:Modern Chinese interrogative pronouns have rich meanings and complex usage, and are frequently used in oral communication and written expression. However, in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, it is a difficult grammatical difficulty for foreign students to master. Therefore, it is necessary to study the acquisition of non-interrogative usage of interrogative pronouns for foreign students in order to guide the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language. Under the guidance of interlanguage theory, from the perspective of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, this paper takes the interlanguage corpus as the data source, uses comparative analysis, relatively correct usage rate and chi-square test, etc. This paper analyzes the usage and acquisition process of non-interrogative pronouns in Indonesian students, and puts forward some suggestions on the arrangement and teaching of syllabus and textbooks. First of all, we use the comparative analysis method to find that Indonesian students use interrogative pronouns as widely as native speakers. The usage rate of Indonesian students is even higher than that of native speakers, but their preference is different. In contrast, Indonesian students prefer to use interrogative pronouns in non-interrogative usage with a strong sense of form and a relatively simple fictitious nature, rather than using relatively difficult cross-examination. Secondly, we use the method of relatively correct usage rate and chi-square test to analyze the interlanguage corpus and find that the acquisition of the five types of non-interrogative usage of interrogative pronouns of Indonesian students belongs to different intervals, and there is an internal acquisition order. Moreover, the order of acquisition of non-interrogative usage of interrogative pronouns is slightly different. Finally, in view of the problems of inconsistent classification and confusion in the arrangement of non-interrogative usage of interrogative pronouns in syllabus and textbooks, we propose a unified classification and arrangement in the order of acquisition. The author also suggests that the teaching methods suitable for foreign students should be adopted in teaching, and the teaching order and the intensity of explanation should be reasonably arranged according to the research results of acquisition.
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