[Abstract]:Preposition teaching is an important part of function teaching and also a difficulty in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. In this paper, the common prepositions "give", "follow", "yes", "right", "direction" and "is" are chosen as the research objects, which are described one by one from the syntactic and semantic angles, and on the basis of this, the author makes a comparative analysis. Finally, try to make a cognitive explanation. The five prepositions are intersected in semantics and usage, and foreign students have many errors in the process of learning and using. This paper is based on the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language and hopes to be of some value to the teaching of Chinese prepositions as a foreign language. The first part introduces the scope of this study, the significance of the purpose and previous research results. The second part analyzes and describes "give", "follow", "yes", "direction" and "for" from syntactic and semantic perspectives. The third part is based on the second part of the description of "give", "heel", "yes", "direction", "for" contrast and replacement, and from the cognitive perspective to explain. The fourth part puts forward some suggestions from the perspective of teaching Chinese prepositions as a foreign language. The conclusion part summarizes the full text and points out the existing problems in this study.
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