发布时间:2021-10-12 12:35
【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:58 页
1. Introduction
1.1 Research background
1.2 Research significance
1.3 Organization of the thesis
2. Literature Review
2.1 Research on classroom questioning
2.1.1 Definition of classroom questioning
2.1.2 Functions of classroom' questioning
2.1.3 Questioning types
2.1.4 Questioning strategies
2.1.5 The wait-time of classroom questioning
2.1.6 Teachers' feedbacks
2.2 Theoretical framework
2.2.1 The Input Hypothesis
2.2.2 The Output Hypothesis
2.2.3 The Interactive Hypothesis
3. Research Design
3.1 Research questions
3.2 Research participants
3.3 Research instruments
3.3.1 Classroom observation
3.3.2 Interview
3.4 Research procedures
4. Research Results and Discussion
4.1 The characteristics of student English teachers' classroom questioning
4.1.1 Results on questioning quantity
4.1.2 Results on questioning types
4.1.3 Results on the ways questions answered
4.1.4 Results on teachers' wait-time
4.1.5 Results on questioning strategies
4.1.6 Results on teachers' feedbacks
4.1.7 Results on questioning language
4.2 The problems of student English teachers' classroom questioning
4.2.1 Problems on questioning types
4.2.2 Problems on the ways questions answered
4.2.3 Problems on wait-time
4.2.4 Problems on student teachers' guiding skill
4.2.5 Problems on teachers' feedbacks
4.2.6 Problems on questioning language
4.3 The reasons for the problems of student English teachers' classroomquestioning
4.3.1 Student teachers' understanding towards questioning
4.3.2 Student teachers' understanding towards their students
4.3.3 Student teachers' preparations before class
4.3.4 Student teachers' English professional ability
4.3.5 Student teachers' lack of reflection after class
4.3.6 Student teachers' lack of teaching experience
5. Effective ways to improve student English teachers' questioning
5.1 Having a better understanding towards the theories of classroom questioning
5.2 Having a better understanding towards students
5.3 Asking more challenging questions
5.4 Preparing classroom questions better before class
5.5 Mastering questioning strategies better and improving guiding skills
5.6 Allocating wait-time according to the difficulty level of the questions
5.7 Encouraging students to volunteer to provide answers
5.8 Giving more efficient feedbacks
5.9 Reflecting regularly after class and accumulating teaching experience
5.10 Improving student teachers' English professional ability
5.11 Using questioning language cautiously
6. Conclusions
6.1 Summary of findings
6.1.1 Findings on the characteristics of student English teachers' classroomquestioning
6.1.2 Findings on the problems of student teachers' classroom questioning
6.1.3 Findings on the reasons of problems of student teachers' classroomquestioning
6.2 Limitations of the research
[1]英语综合能力训练——二语习得输入与输出理论指导下的的教学实践[J]. 朱丽萍. 时代教育(教育教学). 2010(08)
[2]克拉申二语习得理论与英语听力教学[J]. 邢润梅. 忻州师范学院学报. 2008(03)
[3]国外第二语言教师教育研究新思路[J]. 韦理. 外语教学. 2005(05)
[4]关于全面加强中国英语教育的思考[J]. 王守仁. 外语教学. 2002(02)
[1]英语实习教师课堂提问的反思研究[D]. 堵楠楠.南京师范大学 2011
【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:58 页
1. Introduction
1.1 Research background
1.2 Research significance
1.3 Organization of the thesis
2. Literature Review
2.1 Research on classroom questioning
2.1.1 Definition of classroom questioning
2.1.2 Functions of classroom' questioning
2.1.3 Questioning types
2.1.4 Questioning strategies
2.1.5 The wait-time of classroom questioning
2.1.6 Teachers' feedbacks
2.2 Theoretical framework
2.2.1 The Input Hypothesis
2.2.2 The Output Hypothesis
2.2.3 The Interactive Hypothesis
3. Research Design
3.1 Research questions
3.2 Research participants
3.3 Research instruments
3.3.1 Classroom observation
3.3.2 Interview
3.4 Research procedures
4. Research Results and Discussion
4.1 The characteristics of student English teachers' classroom questioning
4.1.1 Results on questioning quantity
4.1.2 Results on questioning types
4.1.3 Results on the ways questions answered
4.1.4 Results on teachers' wait-time
4.1.5 Results on questioning strategies
4.1.6 Results on teachers' feedbacks
4.1.7 Results on questioning language
4.2 The problems of student English teachers' classroom questioning
4.2.1 Problems on questioning types
4.2.2 Problems on the ways questions answered
4.2.3 Problems on wait-time
4.2.4 Problems on student teachers' guiding skill
4.2.5 Problems on teachers' feedbacks
4.2.6 Problems on questioning language
4.3 The reasons for the problems of student English teachers' classroomquestioning
4.3.1 Student teachers' understanding towards questioning
4.3.2 Student teachers' understanding towards their students
4.3.3 Student teachers' preparations before class
4.3.4 Student teachers' English professional ability
4.3.5 Student teachers' lack of reflection after class
4.3.6 Student teachers' lack of teaching experience
5. Effective ways to improve student English teachers' questioning
5.1 Having a better understanding towards the theories of classroom questioning
5.2 Having a better understanding towards students
5.3 Asking more challenging questions
5.4 Preparing classroom questions better before class
5.5 Mastering questioning strategies better and improving guiding skills
5.6 Allocating wait-time according to the difficulty level of the questions
5.7 Encouraging students to volunteer to provide answers
5.8 Giving more efficient feedbacks
5.9 Reflecting regularly after class and accumulating teaching experience
5.10 Improving student teachers' English professional ability
5.11 Using questioning language cautiously
6. Conclusions
6.1 Summary of findings
6.1.1 Findings on the characteristics of student English teachers' classroomquestioning
6.1.2 Findings on the problems of student teachers' classroom questioning
6.1.3 Findings on the reasons of problems of student teachers' classroomquestioning
6.2 Limitations of the research
[1]英语综合能力训练——二语习得输入与输出理论指导下的的教学实践[J]. 朱丽萍. 时代教育(教育教学). 2010(08)
[2]克拉申二语习得理论与英语听力教学[J]. 邢润梅. 忻州师范学院学报. 2008(03)
[3]国外第二语言教师教育研究新思路[J]. 韦理. 外语教学. 2005(05)
[4]关于全面加强中国英语教育的思考[J]. 王守仁. 外语教学. 2002(02)
[1]英语实习教师课堂提问的反思研究[D]. 堵楠楠.南京师范大学 2011