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发布时间:2018-06-10 11:11

  本文选题:大学生 + 社会责任感 ; 参考:《东北石油大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, under the guidance of socialist core values education, the mainstream of college students' ideological situation is positive, healthy, upward, and generally has a strong sense of social responsibility. However, reports on the lack or desalination of college students' sense of social responsibility are also frequently reported, which has also aroused widespread social concern, such as "the murder of four students by Ma Jia-jue, a student at Yunnan University." "the poisoning incident of drinking water machine for graduate students in Fudan University" and "the murder incident in South Central University in 58" and so on. Many incidents show that the social responsibility of individual college students is not strong, some even seriously lack of social responsibility. Although these problems appear in a small number of college students, they have a great influence and need to be highly valued. Colleges and universities are the cradle of cultivating talents, the front of spreading spiritual civilization, inheriting advanced culture, undertaking the three tasks of innovating knowledge, cultivating talents and serving the society, and also shouldering the important task of cultivating the sense of social responsibility of college students. This thesis firstly takes Dewey's pragmatic moral education theory, Fromm's responsibility psychology and Tillich's responsibility ethics as the relevant theoretical basis for the generation of college students' social responsibility. The relevant concepts of college students' social responsibility are accurately defined and scientifically summarized, and the historical evolution regularity of college students' social responsibility is found through the investigation of college students' historical sense of responsibility. At the same time, based on the statistical results of the questionnaire, the paper analyzes the significance of improving the sense of social responsibility of college students, and finds out the present situation of the sense of social responsibility of college students through field investigation. This paper deeply analyzes the problems existing in the sense of social responsibility of college students and the problems existing in the education of social responsibility in colleges and universities, and expounds the causes of the problems. In the aspects of cultural construction and process evaluation, the strategies of cultivating college students' sense of social responsibility are put forward.


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