[Abstract]:In order to give full play to the core function of the capital and build a livable capital, the central government and Beijing are vigorously promoting the relocation of universities and colleges in Beijing. There are three alternative modes for the relocation of universities in Beijing: to the university town in the suburbs of Beijing, to Hebei Province and to other provinces and cities outside of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. No matter which mode of emigration, the university should carry on the culture of the university; stabilize the teaching staff; ensure the quality of enrollment and employment; and deal with the problem of subsidiary unit. College emigration is the product of the deep integration of the construction of "double first-class" educational strategy and the national strategy of coordinated development between Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, which opens up a broader space for the development of relevant colleges and universities. Colleges and universities should take this emigration as an opportunity to vigorously promote the transformation and upgrading of their schools, and write a new chapter of reform, innovation and development.
【作者单位】: 教育部考试中心;
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