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发布时间:2018-09-12 19:37
【摘要】:新形势下加强和改进大学生中国特色社会主义理论体系教育,增强大学生中国特色社会主义理论自信,帮助大学生坚定中国特色社会主义信仰,对于巩固马克思主义在意识形态领域的指导地位,对于培养中国特色社会主义事业合格建设者和可靠接班人,对于推进马克思主义理论学科建设,具有重要的现实意义。从马克思主义实践与认识的观点来看,培养大学生中国特色社会主义理论自信、帮助大学生树立中国特色社会主义信仰的教育活动是由一系列具有特定教育目标的中间环节纵向呼应或横向连接构成的。如何通过这一教育活动的中间环节的有效设置、运行、调整、优化,整体最优地实现既定的教育目标,是马克思主义理论教育研究与实践的热点、难点问题。在中央文件精神的正确引领与丰厚的学科资源的坚实铺垫之下,马克思主义理论教育领域的理论研究者、实践教育者对此进行了积极的探索,取得了一定的成效,但仍然存在着大学生中国特色社会主义理论体系教育活动的中间环节与教育目标的匹配度不高,环节设置不合理、不完整,环节衔接无序、协同深度不够等现实问题。这需要我们以更加全面深入的视角,从理论与实践层面进一步予以研究与解决。大学生中国特色社会主义理论体系教育链研究,以马克思主义理论入脑入心的知、情、意、行过程规律为基本依据,以大学生中国特色社会主义理论体系教育过程中教育活动及其中间环节构成的流程链与教育目标及其中间环节相互衔接构成的目标链之间的理论与现实关系、目标链的中间环节及其链式关系、流程链的构成及其中间环节之间的链式关系为主要研究对象,以期为改进大学生中国特色社会主义理论体系教育活动及其中间环节的针对性、实效性提供一定的学术性建议。全文共有七章,分为四个部分:第一部分,为第一章“绪论”部分,是本文研究展开的基础性依据。这一部分从理论深化、实践困惑、科学化拓展三个方面阐述了本文的研究缘起,评述了国内外相关研究的现状,从“链”的语义学基础入手结合学界对“教育链”的研究,界定了 “链”、“教育链”、“大学生中国特色社会主义理论体系教育链”的概念,说明了本文的研究方法、研究难点与主要创新点。第二部分,包括第二章、第三章和第四章,是大学生中国特色社会主义理论体系教育链的思想资源梳理与基础理论阐述。这一部分,梳理了马克思主义、中国传统文化、西方社会对主流意识形态教育链的思想叙述,从历史性视角探寻了教育链与主流意识形态内化于心、外化于行的关系;以历史唯物主义与辩证唯物主义为指导,对这一教育链的内在规定性与存在依据进行把握,对其与外部事物发生联系时的基本功能予以阐释,对其所具有的基本类别进行分析,为我们更全面与准确地认识何为大学生中国特色社会主义理论体系教育链提供了认识论条件;分析了大学生中国特色社会主义理论体系教育链构成的基本依据,确定了这一教育链由大学生对中国特色社会主义理论体系的认知、认同、坚信、践行相互衔接而成的目标链、思想政治理论课教学链与日常思想政治教育链相互协同的流程链构成,以中国经济社会发展对大学生中国特色社会主义理论体系教育实践的现实要求、大学生中国特色社会主义理论体系教育过程的基本目标、逻辑与历史相统一的中国特色社会主义理论体系这一教育内容、大学生理论素养形成发展的知、情、意、行过程规律、反映大学生中国特色社会主义理论体系教育过程中教与学的内在关系的教书育人规律与大学生身心发展规律为基础,以“概论”课为重点对系统地培养大学生的中国特色社会主义理论素养的思想政治理论课教学链及其中间环节进行了专门探讨,从理论上阐述了日常思想政治教育链及其中间环节,对这二者的相互关系进行了说明,并对这一教育链的运行机制进行了具体探析。第三部分,为第五章,这一部分对大学生中国特色社会主义理论体系教育链的现状进行了分析。该部分以调查问卷、结构方程模型、回归分析等实证研究方法,进一步验证、考察与解析了这一教育链的主要环节之间的相互关系,证明了本文对这一教育链的理论分析的科学性,明晰了大学生中国特色社会主义理论素养的总体状况,从宏观与微观两个角度揭示了思想政治理论课教学链、日常思想政治教育链之于大学生对中国特色社会主义理论体系的认知、认同、坚信、践行的现实影响,探讨了大学生中国特色社会主义理论体系教育链的现存问题,为这一教育链的优化指明了方向。第四部分,包含第六章和第七章,是全文的落脚点。这一部分,基于前文的理论基础与实证分析,从提升系统地培养大学生中国特色社会主义理论素养的思想政治理论课教学链的知识体系向信仰体系转化实效、增强日常思想政治教育链对理论教育现实效能的巩固作用、推进思想政治理论课教学链与日常思想政治教育链的深度协同、争取外部环境条件的支持与协助几个方面提出了优化大学生中国特色社会主义理论体系教育链的具体举措;总结概括了本文的主要创新性观点和结论,并从宏观层面对下一步研究工作的深入开展提出了设想。
[Abstract]:Under the new situation, we should strengthen and improve the education of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics for college students, enhance their theoretical self-confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics, help them strengthen their belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics, consolidate the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field, and cultivate qualified construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics. From the viewpoint of Marxist practice and cognition, cultivating college students'theoretical self-confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics and helping them establish their belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics are a series of educational activities with special characteristics. How to set up, run, adjust, optimize and realize the established educational goal effectively through the middle link of this educational activity is a hot and difficult problem in the research and practice of Marxist theory education. Under the solid foundation of subject resources, theoretical researchers and practical educators in the field of Marxist theory education have made active exploration and achieved certain results. However, there are still some problems in the matching degree between the intermediate links and the educational objectives of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics of College students. This requires us to further study and solve the practical and theoretical problems from a more comprehensive and in-depth perspective. Basically, the theoretical and practical relationship between the process chain formed by the educational activities and their intermediate links in the process of the socialist theoretical system with Chinese characteristics and the goal chain formed by the links between the educational objectives and their intermediate links, the intermediate links of the goal chain and their chain relations, the composition of the process chain and its intermediate links are discussed. Chain relationship between them is the main research object in order to provide some academic suggestions for improving the pertinence and effectiveness of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics for college students. This part expounds the origin of this study from three aspects: theoretical deepening, practical perplexity and scientific expansion, comments on the current situation of relevant research at home and abroad, and defines "chain", "education chain" and "socialism with Chinese characteristics for college students" from the semantic basis of "chain" and the study of "education chain" by the academic circles. The second part, including the second chapter, the third chapter and the fourth chapter, is to sort out the ideological resources and expound the basic theory of the education chain of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Culture, the western society's narration of the mainstream ideology education chain, explores the relationship between the education chain and the mainstream ideology internalization in the heart, externalization in the line from the historical perspective; grasps the inherent stipulation and the existence basis of the education chain with the guidance of historical materialism and dialectical materialism, and launches its development with the external things. The basic functions of students'contact are explained and the basic categories are analyzed, which provides the epistemological conditions for us to understand more comprehensively and accurately what is the education chain of the socialist theoretical system with Chinese characteristics of College students; the basic basis for the formation of the education chain of the socialist theoretical system with Chinese characteristics of College Students is analyzed and determined. This educational chain is composed of the target chain formed by the students'cognition, identification, conviction and practice of the socialist theoretical system with Chinese characteristics, the process chain of the coordination between the teaching chain of Ideological and political theory course and the daily ideological and political education chain, and the education of the socialist theoretical system with Chinese characteristics by the development of Chinese economy and society. The practical requirements, the basic objectives of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics for college students, the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, which integrates logic and history, and the law of the formation and development of their theoretical literacy reflect the education of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics for college students. Based on the intrinsic relationship between teaching and learning and the law of College Students'physical and mental development, the teaching chain and its intermediate links of Ideological and political theory course for systematically cultivating college students' theoretical qualities of socialism with Chinese characteristics are discussed with emphasis on the course "Introduction", and the daily ideological and political education is expounded theoretically. The third part is the fifth chapter. This part analyzes the current situation of the education chain of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics of College students. This part uses questionnaires, structural equation model and regression analysis. The empirical research methods such as analysis further verify, inspect and analyze the relationship between the main links of this educational chain, prove the scientific nature of the theoretical analysis of this educational chain, clarify the overall situation of College Students'theoretical accomplishment of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and reveal the ideological and political theory from the macro and micro perspectives On the course teaching chain, the daily ideological and political education chain is to the college students'cognition, recognition, conviction and practical influence on the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This paper probes into the existing problems of the educational chain of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and points out the direction for the optimization of the educational chain. The fourth part contains the sixth chapter and the practice. This part, based on the theoretical basis and empirical analysis, transforms the knowledge system of the ideological and political theory course teaching chain to the belief system, and strengthens the daily ideological and political education chain to consolidate the practical effectiveness of theoretical education. To promote the deep coordination between the teaching chain of Ideological and political theory course and the daily ideological and political education chain, and strive for the support and assistance of external environment conditions, the paper puts forward some concrete measures to optimize the education chain of the socialist theoretical system with Chinese characteristics of College students; summarizes the main innovative viewpoints and conclusions of this paper, and from the macro level In the light of the further development of the next research work, the tentative plan is put forward.


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