[Abstract]:The construction of educational resources is the basis of information teaching. With the deep advancement of education informatization, the status of educational resources construction has become very important in the construction of education information. However, there are some problems in the current educational resources construction: the scattered resources, the lack of extensive cooperation, the imperfect standards and the isomerism of the network; It can be shared in a wide range, with low utilization rate and serious redevelopment. The main problem is that there is no effective sharing of resources.
The grid is developed rapidly with the Internet, a new infrastructure and new technology built on the Internet,.2001, the Ian Foster of the Argonne laboratory in the United States points out that the grid is concerned with sharing resources and solving problems in a dynamic, multi organization virtual organization. The core idea is in a group. The ability to negotiate resources sharing management in the node (resource provider and consumer) and to solve some problems by using the pool of negotiated resources. Internet technology realizes information exchange between computers. The grid tries to realize comprehensive and controlled sharing of heterogeneous resources on the Internet, and integrate the whole Internet into a giant. Large supercomputers and giant resource pools. The grid has the advantages of virtuality, sharing, integration and negotiation. The fundamental purpose of the grid is to eliminate the island of resources, to realize the high sharing of resources, and to make full use of the resources on the network.
The application of grid technology to the management of educational resources will integrate the existing educational resources to the maximum, apply the thought of distributed management, manage the educational resources effectively, change the current situation of the disorder of educational resources management, and eliminate the information island and the resource island by constructing an integrated educational intelligence information processing platform. Then the release, processing and acquisition of teaching information, so as to achieve the sharing of teaching resources.
Based on the analysis of the existing research results, this paper studies the metadata standards, performance and storage forms of educational resources in the grid environment, and discusses the construction of the community model of educational resources under the grid environment, the information sharing and information diffusion among communities, the small world model based on the community area, the discovery of community resources and so on. The work of this paper mainly includes the following aspects:
(1) through the analysis of the metadata standards of some current educational resources, the standard of the metadata standard LOM (Learning Object Metadata) based on the learning object is discussed as the standard for the realization of the education resource description under the grid environment. The binding of RDF and LOM based on the RDF (Resource Description Framework) form of grid resources is established. The RDF model based on LOM provides a reference example for the unified description of educational resources in the grid environment.
(2) taking the resource classification standard in LOM as the basis of grid community division, according to the principle of educational resources classification, and according to the characteristics of grid management system structure, a grid community model based on educational resources is constructed as the framework of educational resource management.
(3) according to the characteristics of the grid community, the construction of the grid community and the internal structure of the community are discussed. According to the characteristics of the distribution of resources in the grid, the concept of building a peer to peer community group is put forward. The same kind of educational resources, according to the concept of the peer community, through the index layer, makes the logical correlation between the peer communities. The mechanism of information sharing and message diffusion is established among communities, and the corresponding algorithm is compiled, and the results are simulated and evaluated.
(4) according to the characteristics of grid community, based on the analysis of the discovery of grid resources, by introducing the concept of small world, the small world characteristics of the node groups in the grid community are analyzed, and a small world resource lookup model based on the grid community is established. The dynamic development of educational resources in the grid community based on the small world model is proposed. The strategy is presented and the corresponding algorithm is written to realize the rapid and accurate discovery of educational resources based on the dynamic environment of the community. The chain length of the search is analyzed in theory, and the effect of the algorithm is simulated and evaluated.
Based on the above research, the research of educational resource management based on grid community is summarized, and the future research work is prospected.
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