[Abstract]:We are advocating quality education and opposing examination-oriented education, not against it. Quality education should not be opposed to examination. It is considered that in order to carry out quality education, it is necessary to cancel the examination in order to lighten the burden of students. We stress that the reform of the examination system, the purpose of the examination, the content of the examination and the form of the examination is to make this "baton" better serve the implementation of quality education and give full play to the function of the examination in diagnosing and promoting the development of teaching. At the same time, give full play to the screening and selection function of the examination. In the case of low degree of social integrity, it is the only acceptable and fair way to admit freshmen through the examination. There are not only examination problems, recruitment of civil servants, recruitment, many competitions have written tests, interview questions, exams can not be cancelled.
【作者单位】: 中国教育学会
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