本文选题:多媒体技术 切入点:幼儿英语教学 出处:《山东师范大学》2009年硕士论文
【摘要】: 随着经济活动的日益全球化,英语的巨大作用日益凸显,英语教育的低龄化使幼儿园英语教育成为教育界的一个热点话题,我国的幼儿英语教育也正逐步广泛开设。但是,传统的幼儿英语教学中存在着若干问题,幼儿英语学习较为普遍地存在“少、慢、差、费”的现象,严重影响了幼儿英语学习效果。因此,对幼儿英语教学模式进行研究,特别是研究其教学设计的方法,寻找一种更有效的途径来开展幼儿英语教学,具有重要的理论意义和实际应用价值。 科学研究表明,在学习过程中,同时使用视觉、听觉等多种感官,能明显的提高学习效率和学习效果,而多媒体技术是一种综合运用声音、文字、图像、动画、视频等多种媒体的现代教育技术。在这一前提下,论文引入了多媒体技术辅助幼儿英语教学,进行了多媒体技术辅助幼儿英语教学的教学设计并构建了教学设计模型,目的是为幼儿英语教学提供一种新的教学设计的思路和教学活动的指导。 本文利用文献分析法总结了目前国内外幼儿英语教学的研究现状,提出了多媒体技术辅助幼儿英语教学的优势,探讨了多媒体技术的相关概念,然后通过探讨当前幼儿英语教学中存在的问题以及多媒体技术辅助幼儿英语教学的优势来进行可行性分析,深入地探讨了多媒体技术辅助幼儿英语教学所依赖的理论基础和技术基础,利用系统科学的方法、遵循教学设计目标与原则,本文构建了多媒体技术辅助幼儿英语教学的教学设计模型,并由此展开了对教学目标、教学内容的分析,对教学媒体、教学活动以及教学评价的设计。在教学设计模型的指导下,本文进行了课堂实践应用,通过应用后进行的教学评价进一步验证了多媒体技术在幼儿英语教学中会起到巨大的、不可替代的作用。当然,多媒体技术本身并不是解决一切英语教学问题的万能药,其有效性会受到一定因素的制约,本文分析了影响幼儿英语教学的因素,并对教师提出了要求。最后在总结获得的结论的基础上,对本研究中的不足进行了反思,明确了后续研究的发展方向和需进一步加强的问题。
[Abstract]:With the increasing globalization of economic activities, English is playing an increasingly important role. With the younger age of English education, kindergarten English education has become a hot topic in the field of education.However, there are some problems in the traditional English teaching for young children. The phenomenon of "less, slower, worse and more expensive" exists in English learning of young children, which seriously affects the effect of English learning for young children.Therefore, it is of great theoretical significance and practical value to study the teaching mode of young children, especially the method of teaching design, and to find a more effective way to carry out English teaching for young children.Scientific research shows that, in the learning process, the use of visual, auditory and other senses can significantly improve the learning efficiency and learning effect, and multimedia technology is a comprehensive use of sound, text, images, animation,Modern educational technology for a variety of media, such as video.Under this premise, the paper introduces the multimedia technology to assist the infant English teaching, carries on the teaching design of the multimedia technology to assist the young child English teaching, and constructs the teaching design model.The aim is to provide a new way of teaching design and instruction for children's English teaching.Based on the literature analysis, this paper summarizes the current research situation of English teaching for young children at home and abroad, puts forward the advantages of multimedia technology in English teaching for young children, and probes into the related concepts of multimedia technology.Then the feasibility analysis is carried out by discussing the problems existing in the current English teaching of young children and the advantages of multimedia technology in assisting children's English teaching.This paper deeply discusses the theoretical and technical basis of multimedia assisted English teaching for young children, and makes use of the systematic scientific method to follow the teaching design objectives and principles.This paper constructs a model of multimedia assisted English teaching for young children, and then analyzes the teaching objectives, teaching contents, teaching media, teaching activities and teaching evaluation.Under the guidance of the instructional design model, this paper carries on the classroom practice application, through the teaching evaluation after the application, further verifies that the multimedia technology will play a huge and irreplaceable role in the young children's English teaching.Of course, multimedia technology itself is not a panacea for all English teaching problems, and its effectiveness will be restricted by certain factors. This paper analyzes the factors that affect the English teaching of young children, and puts forward the requirements for teachers.Finally, on the basis of summing up the conclusions obtained, this paper reflects on the shortcomings of this study, and clarifies the development direction of the follow-up research and the problems that need to be further strengthened.
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