[Abstract]:The aim of teaching values of "learning to care" is to break through the long term as the keynote of a moral education model in the academic circle, as the "sphere of influence" and the subject of moral education. It is placed in the circumstances of the logic of thinking and the way of speaking in moral education, but consciously Orientations "learning to care". The argument of a kind of teaching value makes its operation transferred to the orbit of teaching value theory. It not only takes into account the scope of moral education, but also improves its perspective and logical orientation. "Learning care" in the view of teaching value is a kind of teaching value. "Learning to care" is a kind of teaching. Values are the origin of its existence, the idea of thinking, the proposition of theory, the way of speaking and the route of walking. This study takes the philosophical axiology as the starting point of the analysis, and uses the theory of teaching value and teaching ethics as the two important motive forces to analyze and solve the problems, to reveal the formation, the appeal and the construction of the teaching values of the "concern of the learning society". Construction and implementation.
Under the control and influence of "instrumental rationality" and "utilitarianism", the teaching values of acquiring knowledge orientation have become the dominant and dominant teaching values in the time and space of school education and teaching. This teaching value holds and controls the whole teaching activities in the school, especially the teaching order. The concept of teaching content, the concept of teacher-student relationship and the concept of teaching evaluation, and so on. Specifically, the view of teaching aims as the pursuit of "knowledge man"; the concept of teaching content is transformed into a "textbook"; the concept of teacher-student relationship is degraded to "subject and one object"; teaching evaluation has gone to "one way" operation. This teaching price is a teaching price. The school teaching activities under the value view have exposed various dissimilation and various crises, which make the classroom teaching utilitarian, control and technical situation appear, which lead to the teachers' superstition of knowledge, no one, the hegemony of discourse, the lack of dialogue, the weak responsibility and the concern of the students in the education world. In the "lost" situation, teaching is the activity of cultivating people and the practice of making people become "human". However, influenced by the current teaching values, teaching has lost the responsibility and the mission of forgetting the enlightenment, making people become utilitarian, merciless and indifference, between man and self, between man and man, between man and society, between man and nature. Objectification, moving into the living structure of the "main object", not the harmonious unity, the symbiotic long and the "one in one" in the world structure. Thus, people are becoming more and more self imprisoned, more and more lost freedom and happiness, people and all things are in crisis.
The human instinct of pursuit of freedom and happiness makes human self review, correct and call for the values of another paradigm. The formation of the teaching values of "learning to care" is formed in this historical background. In general, the teaching values of "learning to care" are formed by the world model. Its theoretical basis is mainly the philosophy of "all things" in the history of human thought, the philosophy of "Existentialism", and the psychology of humanism. The condition of its formation is that the care in education can satisfy the needs of the whole life of the students, that is, the concern and the growth of the student's body, and the concern of the students. With the rational growth and concern of students and the irrational growth of students, besides, teaching has the quality of caring, which is also one of the important conditions for its formation.
The formation of the teaching values of "learning to care" is not a "empty hole", but with a mission. This is the appeal of the teaching values of "learning to care". In this study, the author believes that this appeal is mainly reflected in the awe of the students' life, and the specific expression is to attach importance to the body, to protect the body, and to advocate it. Reason, reason shaping, non rational care, nurturing irrationality, advocating humanistic care, concretely showing "respect", holding "understanding" and "recognition", and shaping a sound personality, which is embodied in teaching to create students' "truth", "good", "beauty" and atmosphere. Students are concerned about the formation of quality and sound personality. It depends on Teachers' beliefs and pursuits in the process of teaching and cultivating the quality of care with an atmosphere of concern.
The students must "learn to care", first of all, the teaching activities must be filled with the idea of concern. This requires self-conscious reflection and construction of the current teaching values that affect the norms and behavior of teaching activities. This study takes the basic components of teaching activities as the teaching purpose, the teaching internal capacity, the teacher-student relationship and the teaching evaluation as the analytical framework. To carry out the reflection and construction of the current teaching values, to promote the students to "learn to care" and to promote the formation of their caring qualities. This is reflected in the view of teaching aims from the emphasis on knowledge, to the body of the students, to the unity of reason and irrationality, and to the "Presupposition" and "generation" in the view of teaching content from the tone of "textbook". The concept of the relationship between teachers and students from the living structure of "subject one object" to "intersubjectivity" in the world structure; teaching evaluation view from "one way" operation to "difference" and "pluralism". Based on the reform and construction of such teaching values, the basic elements of teaching activities can be made. Because of the elements of concern, it is conducive to the growth of students' overall life and the formation of their positive emotions and caring qualities.
The construction of the teaching values of "learning to care" is important for the students to be concerned about the formation of quality. However, it is necessary to effectively promote the formation of the quality of the students to be concerned with the specific teaching operation of a certain angle and method. In this study, the author takes the subject of teaching as the starting point to build a student "to learn". The study shows that the teacher's educational love plays an important role in the formation of the quality of the students. Without the education of love, there is no student's "love" formation. In addition, under the conscious and purposeful design of education, we can learn to learn. It is also an important way for students to care for their own interests, care for themselves, care for others, care for animals and plants and the earth, and care for the material world created by human beings. This is also an important path for students to care for their quality. However, it is important to note that in the process of caring and caring, students should not care about it, but with the help of the teachers, a rational "care" view is formed. Schools should also consciously establish mechanisms and norms for practicing caring activities.
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