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发布时间:2018-08-03 07:56
【摘要】: 学习风格理论源于教育心理学,现有的大量的研究和文献均为在教育情境下的探讨,主要研究方向包括认知风格与学习风格,基于学习风格理论的网络教学、语言学习,学习风格与教学风格的匹配等。然而在成人学习,尤其是职场学习是近几年来西方学习风格的理论研究的新方向,相关的实证研究也开始渐渐浮现。 本研究重点在于探索职场学习风格维度,试图从实际出发,通过严格的收集和筛选,并参考国内外相关的研究成果编制出信效度良好的《职场学习风格调查问卷》及《校园学习风格调查问卷》。问卷编制完成后,按照分层随机抽样的原理和方法,抽取企业在职员工及高校在校学生进行调查,通过分析整理调查数据,探索和验证企业员工职场学习风格的内在结构,并与校园学习风格维度进行比较,为企业提高员工学习效率及人力资源管理工作者进行员工培训提供理论参考。 本研究分为六个部分,第一部分简要介绍了研究的背景、目的和意义;第二部分介绍了学习风格的相关理论及研究现状;第三部分对于研究的设计、程序,方法和问卷的编制等作了详细的说明;第四部分通过对数据进行了相关统计分析,得出校园学习风格结构维度包括:直觉-分析、视觉-言语、随机-系统、行动-反思;职场学习风格结构维度包括:反思-观察、单独-共同、循序-随机、直觉-分析,进一步验证了通过文献探讨构想的职场学习风格初步模型;第五部分并通过方差分析检验了不同人口统计变量对学习风格各维度的差异显著性;第六部分对校园学习风格及职场学习风格的各个维度进行了分析,同时指出了本研究的创新点和不足之处,并对今后的相关研究做出展望。
[Abstract]:The theory of learning style originates from educational psychology, and a great deal of research and literature are conducted in the context of education. The main research directions include cognitive style and learning style, web-based teaching based on learning style theory and language learning. The matching of learning style and teaching style. However, in recent years, adult learning, especially workplace learning, is a new direction of theoretical research on learning styles in the West, and relevant empirical studies are beginning to emerge. The focus of this study is to explore the workplace learning style dimension, try to proceed from the reality, through strict collection and screening, Referring to the relevant research results at home and abroad, the questionnaire of workplace learning style with good reliability and validity and the questionnaire of campus learning style were worked out. After the completion of the questionnaire, according to the principle and method of stratified random sampling, the in-service employees and college students were selected for investigation, and through the analysis and collation of the survey data, the internal structure of the employees' learning style in the workplace was explored and verified. And compared with the dimension of campus learning style, it provides a theoretical reference for enterprises to improve staff learning efficiency and human resource management staff training. This research is divided into six parts. The first part briefly introduces the background, purpose and significance of the study; the second part introduces the relevant theories and research status of learning style; The fourth part makes a statistical analysis of the data and concludes that the structural dimensions of campus learning style include intuitionistic analysis, visual language, random-system, action and reflection; The structural dimensions of workplace learning style include: reflection-observation, single-common, sequential-random, intuitionistic-analysis, which further verifies the preliminary model of workplace learning style conceived by literature; The fifth part and through the analysis of variance to test the different demographic variables on the different dimensions of learning style significant; the sixth part of the campus learning style and workplace learning style of each dimension were analyzed. At the same time, the innovation and deficiency of this study are pointed out, and the related research in the future is prospected.


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