[Abstract]:The educational reform in the late Qing Dynasty was a great historical change, which either passively or actively brought about many modernity of Chinese education. The thought of transforming "subjects" into "nationals" further promoted the change of education from "system" to "human". The criticism of the poor physical quality of the Chinese resulting from "unsanitary" has given rise to the public debate that "private body" has never been taken seriously into "national body", which has led to the first focus of national shaping on the issue of physical transformation. And become an important theme of new school reform. On the one hand, it has produced new school sports health regulations, leading to major changes in the field of school sports and hygiene, on the other hand, it has also contributed to many public consequences of students' physical transformation. It conveys the logical connection between the efforts of body reform and the consensus of strong power and strong people. What this article chooses is precisely this paragraph has not been fully concerned by the academic field of research. The study takes the rules and regulations of the new school that existed from 1895 to 1911 as the basic object, and fully combines various kinds of school texts, media documents, visual materials, folklore materials, etc. Focus on the late Qing Dynasty modern schools how to shape students as a nation through physical discipline. This thesis is divided into three specific questions: (1) how is the rationality of the physical transformation established in the school? (2) how does the school implement the physical transformation? (3) what physical consequences have been achieved by the physical transformation of the school? The conclusions are as follows: (1) the rationality of the transformation of the body in the school is based on the change of the idea that the body is the state. This process originated from the image construction of the Chinese body "stigmatized" by Western colonists, especially in the aspects of "unsanitary", "weak constitution", "lack of efficiency and lack of time view", "foot-bound women" and so on. It was recognized by the elite in the late Qing Dynasty and incorporated into the ideological system of "shaping the people", and finally implemented the policy of educational reform in the late Qing Dynasty. Many kinds of educational practice of the folk elite can be realized. (2) the body transformation of the school mainly revolves around "the national shaping of the national body development", especially reflected in four aspects: pay attention to hygiene, emphasize discipline and efficiency. Unifying the dress of students and de-gender female students. (3) at the overall social level, the physical transformation of the school has achieved a new consequence of transforming the traditional "body of the individual" into the "body of the nation." In particular, it is reflected in four aspects: the body is nationalized, the body is given public administration, the body is assigned to politics, and the body is entrusted with national duties. Reflecting on this period of educational history, this paper holds that the educational reform in the late Qing Dynasty was the result of a complex interaction promoted by external factors and reformed internally, which objectively achieved the transformation from "subjects" to "citizens". However, the modern transformation from "citizen" to "citizen" has not been further realized. Further, the transition from "the body is private" to "the body is national" is progress in history, but the development of the body of a "free national", or "citizenship", has not been realized during this period. In fact, the latter is also an important topic in the process of educational modernization in China.
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