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发布时间:2018-12-11 10:11
[Abstract]:Life transcendence is the essential characteristic of human life. When the relationship between man and the outside world takes place, he hopes to get rid of the restriction of external natural law, transcend the status of natural slave like animal, and realize the harmonious relationship between man and external nature. At the same time, people are eager to get rid of their own internal limitations, realize the harmonious relationship between human beings and themselves, and achieve the infinite and sacred nature of God. The beginning of life transcendence is a spiritual transcendence, it is a belief, attitude, ideal, hope, essentially is the human face of a alienated world both powerless and unwilling product, It expresses the pursuit of perfection and sublimation, instead of being satisfied with the imperfect state of existence. " Life transcendence "exists in all kinds of discourse, different times and different cultures have different interpretations of it." However, as far as human life itself is concerned, it is the eternal complex of human beings that human beings inherit from generation to generation and live on. When this complex appeals to the literary world, it constitutes the deepest eternal theme of literature: life transcendence. It is the existence of the theme of "transcendence of life" that people can look down upon the past of human life, grasp the future of human life, and make life eternal in literature. The study of life transcendence is different from that of philosophy, ethics, psychology, aesthetics and so on. It is based on the non-conceptual visualization, non-logical imagination, non-belief emotion, etc. In order to explore the value and difference of transcendence theme in different national literature classics and to seek a cultural meaning beyond time and space, it has the common meaning of crossing the national and national boundaries. This is not only an external grasp of transcendental image, but also an internal exploration of transcendental meaning, not only a sort of historical arrangement of transcendental form, but also a cultural analysis of transcendental psychology. It is not only a conscious description of transcendence, but also a subconscious revelation of transcendence logic.
【作者单位】: 天津师范大学文学院;


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