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发布时间:2018-03-17 23:40

  本文选题:高校师生 切入点:心理契约 出处:《中国科学技术大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 有关心理契约的研究以往大都集中于营利性的企业组织中,关注雇员与雇主之间的心理契约关系及其履行情况,对高等学校组织及师生的心理契约研究涉及不多。而高校师生之间有关心理契约问题是最近几年才兴起的新课题,可直接借鉴的研究成果和研究方法更是难以发现。 虽然心理契约的研究受到当今学术界和企业界的普遍关注,但是直到目前仍然没有一个被一致公认的定义。科学定义其基本概念,是构建一个领域中完整理论体系的基础。为此,本文首先对心理契约这一源概念进行了深入研究,汲取了该研究领域“单向观”和“双向观”两个主流学派定义中的合理成分,对心理契约概念及内涵重新作了清晰的界定,并对相近概念之间存在的差异进行了明确区分,以期在定义上能够反映出心理契约的本质属性,从而解决概念问题给心理契约及相关研究带来的困扰。在此基础上,文章对心理契约的一般内容、结构维度、功能和作用机制以及履行、违背和破裂等基本理论的研究成果,进行了简要的回顾综述。 随后,文章将心理契约的研究引入高校,在对比分析的基础上对高校师生心理契约进行了概念界定,分析论述了高校师生之间与营利组织中雇员与雇主之间心理契约有别的特征,提出师生心理契约的构建模型及其内容和结构维度,并对师生在教学过程中的履约情况、违约现象及典型个案进行了分析阐述。为将师生心理契约理论研究转化成具有应用价值的成果,笔者在导师的指导下进一步展开了师生心理契约的教学实验研究。在心理契约教学实验的研究中,首先运用自行设计开发的一套教学过程中师生心理契约履行情况的测量量表,通过实验组和对照组师生两个渠道采集实验数据。然后,运用SPSS统计分析软件,对两组数据进行独立样本T检验和均值比较,分析检验有干预的实验组和无干预的对照组师生履行心理契约的情况。文章认为,由于心理契约具有隐性的特点,这使得它不像显性契约那样可明确感知。因此,将已通过实证研究确认的师生心理契约内容告知教师,教师将会更充分地履行师生心理契约中的教师责任。实验结果验证了研究假设,即被明确告知师生心理契约相关内容的教师会在课堂教学中更加充分地履行其相关责任,进而对学生课堂学习行为将产生更积极的影响。该研究结果论证了教师履行心理契约对学生学习心理和行为具有显著的促进作用,为教师将师生心理契约应用于教学过程中提升教学效果提供理论和实验依据。
[Abstract]:In the past, most of the researches on psychological contract focused on the relationship between employees and employers and their performance in profit-making enterprises. The research on psychological contract between teachers and students in colleges and universities is not much, but the problem of psychological contract between teachers and students in colleges and universities is a new topic that has just arisen in recent years, and the research results and research methods that can be directly used for reference are even more difficult to find out. Although the study of psychological contract has received widespread attention in academic and business circles today, until now there is still no universally accepted definition. It is the basis of constructing a complete theoretical system in a field. Therefore, this paper firstly studies the source concept of psychological contract, and draws on the reasonable elements in the definition of "unidirectional view" and "bidirectional view" in this research field. The concept and connotation of psychological contract are clearly defined, and the differences between similar concepts are clearly distinguished, in order to reflect the essential attributes of psychological contract in the definition. On the basis of this, the paper studies the general content, structural dimension, function and mechanism of psychological contract, as well as the basic theory of performance, violation and rupture. A brief review is made. Then, the paper introduces the research of psychological contract into colleges and universities, and defines the concept of psychological contract between teachers and students on the basis of comparative analysis. This paper analyzes on the different characteristics of psychological contract between teachers and students in colleges and universities and between employees and employers in profit-making organizations, and puts forward the construction model, content and structural dimensions of psychological contracts between teachers and students, and gives the performance of teachers and students in the process of teaching. The phenomenon of breach of contract and typical cases are analyzed and expounded. Under the guidance of the tutor, the author further develops the teaching experiment research of the psychological contract between teachers and students. In the research of the psychological contract teaching experiment, the author first uses a set of measurement scale designed by himself to measure the performance of the psychological contract of teachers and students in the process of teaching. The experimental data were collected through two channels of the experimental group and the control group. Then, using the SPSS statistical analysis software, the independent sample T test and the mean value comparison of the two groups of data were carried out. This paper analyzes and tests the performance of psychological contract between the experimental group with intervention and the control group without intervention. It is considered that the psychological contract is not as perceptible as the explicit contract because of its recessive characteristics. By informing teachers of the contents of the teacher-student psychological contract, which has been confirmed by empirical research, the teacher will fully fulfill the teacher's responsibility in the teacher-student psychological contract. The experimental results verify the hypothesis of the research. That is, teachers who are clearly informed of the contents of the psychological contract between teachers and students will perform their related responsibilities more fully in classroom teaching. The results demonstrate that teachers' performance of psychological contract can significantly promote students' learning psychology and behavior. It provides theoretical and experimental basis for teachers to apply psychological contract between teachers and students in teaching process to improve teaching effect.


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