发布时间:2018-05-09 12:58
本文选题:公共性 + 教育公共性 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2010年博士论文
【摘要】: 当代社会,随着民主化进程的加快和教育功能的全方位释放,教育公共性愈益彰显,深刻揭示教育公共性内涵,维护和优化教育公共性实践,既是当前教育发展改革的实践呼唤,亦是把握教育本质的理论诉求。 从世界范围看,教育的变革与发展正在呈现公共性这一新的时代特性。教育所蕴含的公共性不是人为赋予的,亦非主观思维的结果,而是人类教育发展过程中历史地展现出来的。教育公共性的彰显不仅是教育特性的一种时代变化,也是当代教育发展的一种新的价值诉求。 20世纪90年代中期以来,社会转型已使中国的社会结构发生深刻变化,随着市场经济的发育,通过市场向社会提供教育服务,已成为一种重要的教育运行机制。同时,也与现行教育体制表现出极大的不相容性,教育的公共性问题由此成为一个不容回避的问题。 本研究通过对国内外教育公共性的已有研究成果的梳理、分析、综合和概括,结合中西方国家取得的成就,针对实际情况,在实地考察和案例研究的基础之上,对存在的问题追寻原因,寻找对策。通过研究教育入学机会均等、教育过程平等、教育资源、设施的平等,培养具有基本素质和连带作用的公民这一结果的平等等内容,构建一套系统、科学和行之有效的教育公共性的内容体系。 本研究指出,公益、公正、平等、共享是教育公共性的核心内涵。教育公共性一方面表达了教育作为公共领域事务的事实存在,另一方面,教育公共性已成为公共性延伸概念,它既是对公共性在教育领域的具体说明和应用,也是教育在特定领域对公共性的反映。因此,教育公共性的功用主要体现为:分析和批判教育的工具;建立教育制度,构建教育内容和目的,选择教育手段和形式等诸多教育关系的公共原则;教育立法和教育政策的合法依据;政府提供教育公共服务的价值尺度和财政基础;教育作为公共事务和公共物品接纳社会参与其中和存在于社会公共空间的正当性。总体说来,其在宏观方面,诸如制度安排、政策设计上,从立法、财政、社会环境等体现教育公益性、公正性;在微观方面,诸如教育目的、内容、形式上,指向培养具有公共品质的人,教育过程上体现教育平等。教育公共性的保障,必须建立在一套完整的教育公共服务体系之上。必须加强公共服务体系的创新,提高公共服务水平。这就需要进一步强化政府在教育公共服务方面的职能和责任,就要探索教育公共服务供给主体多元化和供给方式多样化,就要完善教育公共服务的监管和评价体制,建立以中介评估为主导的多元化教育监管和评价体系。在政策设置上,则要把教育公平作为教育公共服务均等化的政策核心,以教育公共服务最低公平模式,推进实现教育公共服务均等化:一是确立教育基本公共服务最低公平原则,制定最低的提供标准,并通过多级政府分担经费来保障各地政府有能力提供这类服务。二是公共服务标准可根据行业特点,采用实物标准、经费标准和服务质量标准等,但最重要的是确保服务质量,并通过绩效评价来促使其达到标准。三是倡导等价性原则。国家允许并鼓励有财政能力的地方政府或财团提供更多的、质量更高的教育公共服务,其经费应当由提供服务的政府承担。为此,应提高财政性教育经费占国内生产总值的比重,保障义务教育阶段的均衡投入,特别是要明确各级政府权责,建立由各级政府分担的教育投入机制;应深化教育体制改革,从体制上为义务教育均等化提供保障;应加强政府部门的责任,构建服务型政府。 教育公共性必须建立在公共财政的基本制度之上。教育公共服务的价值取向决定提供教育服务是政府的一项基本职责,必须以政府为主体,担当教育公共财政的政府职责。一是基于区域财政能力不均衡的现实,建立义务教育的政府间转移支付系统。这样一个机制的建立和发展应该成为今后义务教育财政改革的重点。要明确中央和省用于义务教育的资源的使用目的和不同用途。目前首要的应该是保证贫困和农村地区义务教育投入的充足水平。中央和省级政府应该对这些地区提供帮助,让这些地方的教育发展跟上社会经济发展的步伐。中央和省级政府还应该把资金分配与地方上强化责任制,提高资源使用效率的努力程度联系起来。要合理设计转移支付项目,要确定给每个县/学区均等化资金数量的方法。 一个常用的方法是运用因素法拨款公式,综合考虑学生群体的特征、基层财力、财政努力程度和其他因素。要加强贫困学生和寄宿制学生资助,使资助真正落实到这些学生。要平衡中央和省教育资源分配过程中目标和方法的一致性和多样性问题。二是把保障教育公共财政的公平投入作为公共财政治理的基点,完善教育投入保障法律规定。根据经费需求建立经费保障机制,是解决教育经费供给不足的一项重要举措。科学地界定现有法律中各级各类教育经费需求的定额标准,才能从根本上解决经费需求和供给之间的矛盾。特别是要建立公平有效的教育财政补助制度和方式,就要从最基本的经费需求分析入手,将拨款制度和模式与经费需求结合起来,确定拨款基准额,并考虑特殊地区、特殊人群的额外需求,对他们给予公平性对待。三是把增加灵活性作为均衡推进义务教育公共财政政策的必要补充。要落实国家义务教育财政“低保”政策,明确中央政府财政支持的重点。义务教育财政“低保”目标应包括:最低保障维持学校教学运转所需基本条件的要求;最低保障完成国家义务教育目标所需要的基本要求;最低保障为国家义务教育可持续发展奠定基础所需条件和要求。从长远看,随着国家对义务教育要求的不断提高,义务教育办学条件需要同步提高,“低保”的标准也不断提高。义务教育财政“低保”问题,不是政府短期的“突击行为”,而是实现义务教育财政均衡的“长效机制”。要按区域推进顺序选择从县域均衡、省域均衡到全国均衡推进的财政政策。从义务教育均衡推进状况看,省际间义务教育的差距在短时期内缩小基本是不可能的。县域内义务教育均衡的重点是缩小城乡之间的差距,县级教育财政投入和省市级财政转移支付的重点在农村义务教育。贫困地区义务教育均衡的重点在县域内,高于和处在全国义务教育均衡平均水平的地区,推进义务教育均衡的重点在省域内。在同一区域内,以学生数量为标准,实行义务教育均等化拨款制度。推进县域内和省域内义务教育均衡,教育财政政策应是在同一行政区内对于实施义务教育的学校以学生数为标准,实行均等化拨款制度。四是根据不同区域内接受义务教育人口的数量,确定中央政府纵向财政转移支付的规模。 教育公共性建立需要进一步厘清政府、市场、社会三大主体关系。首先,要把优先、均衡、效率作为政府配置教育公共资源的基本原则,即教育公共资源的优先配置原则、均衡配置原则、效率配置原则。其次,要正视解决择校、重点校问题。也就是要加大教育投入,解决教育经费短缺问题;加强法律规范,实现校际间均衡发展和采取有效措施,改造和扶助薄弱学校。第三,要注重发挥社会非营利组织在教育的宏观管理中,维护教育公平,发挥独立的作用,公共参与教育决策、管理及其教育活动过程。 教育公共性实践的推进要重视彰显学校教育与社区互动方面的公共性。凸显社区公共性是当前社会公共事务管理的一个趋势。学校是社区中的正式组织,亦应是社会公共事务管理的内容之一。社区居民必须积极地、有组织、有系统地参与学校的教育计划、政策制定、解决问题以及评估。正是在这种参与中,公民才得以获得关于学校的第一手资料。他们可以提出问题,获得信息,表达观点,提出建议,对有争议的问题提出自己的见解。他们是决策过程中重要一员,能促使学校跟上社会变化,促进教育变革。人们逐渐认识到,教育不仅是学校的责任,也是家长、社区和社会的责任。
[Abstract]:In contemporary society, with the acceleration of the process of democratization and the full release of the full range of educational functions, the more publicity of the education public, the profound revelation of the connotation of the public nature of education, the maintenance and optimization of the practice of public education, which is not only the practice call of the current educational development reform, but also the theoretical appeal of the quality of education.
From the view of the world, the reform and development of education is showing the new characteristics of the new times. The public nature of education is not the result of human and subjective thinking, but the history of human education. The publicity of education is not only a kind of time change of educational characteristics, but also the change of educational characteristics. A new demand of value for the development of contemporary education.
Since the middle of the 1990s, the social transformation has made a profound change in the social structure of China. With the development of the market economy, it has become an important educational operation mechanism to provide education service through the market. At the same time, it has also shown great incompatibility with the current educational system, thus the problem of the public nature of education has become one. A problem that can not be avoided.
Through combing, analyzing, synthesizing and summarizing the existing research achievements of the public education at home and abroad, combining with the achievements of the western and Chinese countries, on the basis of actual situation, on the basis of field investigation and case study, this paper seeks the reasons for the existing problems and seeks the countermeasures. The educational resources, the equality of the facilities, the cultivation of the equality of the citizens with basic qualities and joint functions, and the establishment of a systematic, scientific and effective content system for the public nature of education.
The research points out that public welfare, justice, equality and sharing are the core connotations of the public education. On the one hand, the public nature of education expresses the fact that education is a matter of public affairs. On the other hand, the public nature of education has become a concept of public extension. It is not only a specific explanation and application of the public in the field of education, but also a specific education in particular. Therefore, the function of the public nature of the education is mainly embodied in the tools of analysis and criticism of education, the establishment of the educational system, the construction of educational content and purpose, the choice of the public principles of educational means and forms, the legal basis for the education legislation and the policy of education, and the value of the government to provide the public service of education. The scale and financial basis; education as a public affairs and public goods to accept the legitimacy of social participation and social public space. Generally speaking, its macro aspects, such as institutional arrangements, policy design, from the legislative, financial, social environment, reflect the public welfare, fairness, and in micro aspects, such as educational purposes. At the same time, in form, it points to the people who have the public quality, which embodies the equality of education. The guarantee of the public nature of the education must be built on a complete set of educational public service system. We must strengthen the innovation of the public service system and improve the level of public service. This needs to further strengthen the government's public service in education. The function and responsibility should explore the diversification of the main supply of education public service and the diversification of the supply mode. We should perfect the supervision and evaluation system of the public service of education and establish the diversified education supervision and evaluation system dominated by intermediary evaluation. In the policy setting, the education equity should be the policy of equalization of education public service. The core is to promote the equalization of public service in education with the minimum fair mode of education public service. First, establish the principle of minimum and fair education for basic public services, establish the minimum standard of provision, and guarantee the ability of all governments to provide such services through the sharing of funds by multilevel governments. Two, the standard of public service can be based on the characteristics of the industry, The most important thing is to ensure the quality of service and to make it standard through performance evaluation. Three is the principle of advocating equivalence. The state allows and encourages local governments or consortia with financial capabilities to provide more, higher quality education public services, and their funds should be raised. For this purpose, we should improve the proportion of the financial education funds to the gross domestic product and guarantee the balanced input in the compulsory education stage, especially to clarify the power and responsibility of the governments at all levels and establish the educational input mechanism shared by the governments at all levels; we should deepen the reform of the educational system and provide the guarantee for the equalization of compulsory education from the system. We should strengthen the responsibility of the government departments and build a service-oriented government.
The public nature of education must be built on the basic system of public finance. The value orientation of educational public service is a basic responsibility of the government. It must take the government as the main body to serve the government responsibility of education public finance. One is to establish the intergovernmental transfer of compulsory education based on the reality of the unbalanced regional financial capacity. The establishment and development of such a mechanism should be the focus of the financial reform of compulsory education in the future. The purpose and different uses of the resources for compulsory education by the central and provincial governments should be clarifying. The first priority should be to ensure the sufficient level of poverty and the investment in compulsory education in rural areas. The central and provincial governments should be right These areas provide help to keep the educational development in these places to keep pace with the pace of social and economic development. The central and provincial governments should also link the allocation of funds with the local efforts to strengthen the responsibility system and improve the efficiency of the use of resources. The rational design of the transfer payment projects should be made to determine the equal amount of funds for each county / school district. The way.
A common method is to use the formula of factor method, to take into account the characteristics of the student group, the basic financial resources, the degree of financial effort and other factors. It is necessary to strengthen the aid of the poor students and boarding students so that the aid can be truly implemented to these students. The two is to take the fair investment in the public finance of education as the basis of the public finance management, to perfect the legal provisions of the education investment guarantee. The establishment of the fund guarantee mechanism according to the demand for funds is an important measure to solve the shortage of educational funds. In order to fundamentally solve the contradiction between the demand and supply of funds, in particular, to establish a fair and effective financial subsidy system and mode, we should start with the analysis of the most basic demand for funds, combine the allocation system and model with the demand for funds, determine the base amount of the appropriation, and consider the extra of special areas and special people. The need is to give them a fair treatment. Three is to add flexibility as a necessary supplement to the balanced promotion of public financial policy for compulsory education. To implement the "low insurance" policy of the state compulsory education finance and to make clear the focus of the financial support of the central government. The goal of the compulsory education financial "low insurance" should include the minimum guarantee to maintain the school teaching and transportation. The basic requirements for the basic conditions are needed; the minimum guarantee needs the basic requirements for the goal of national compulsory education; the minimum guarantee lays the foundation for the sustainable development of the state compulsory education. In the long run, with the continuous improvement of the state's demand for compulsory education, the conditions for running the education of the justice education need to be improved synchronously and "low insurance". The standard of the compulsory education financial "low insurance" is not the short-term "assault" of the government, but a "long-term mechanism" to realize the financial equilibrium of compulsory education. It is impossible to narrow the gap between the compulsory education in a short period. The focal point of the compulsory education in the county is to narrow the gap between the urban and rural areas. The county education financial input and the focus of the provincial and municipal financial transfer payments are in the rural compulsory education. The emphasis of the balance of compulsory education in the poor areas is in the county, and is higher than and in the national obligation. In the region where the average level of education is balanced, the emphasis of the balance of compulsory education is in the province. In the same area, the equal allocation system of compulsory education is implemented with the number of students as the standard. To promote the balance of compulsory education within the county and the province, the educational fiscal policy should be the school for compulsory education in the same administrative area. Four is to determine the size of the central government's vertical financial transfer payment according to the number of compulsory education population in different regions.
The establishment of the public nature of education needs to further clarify the three main relations between the government, the market and the society. First, we should take priority, balance and efficiency as the basic principle of the government's allocation of educational public resources, that is, the principle of priority allocation of educational public resources, the principle of balanced allocation and the principle of efficiency allocation. Secondly, we should face up to the problem of school choosing and key schools. It is necessary to increase the input of education and solve the shortage of educational funds, strengthen the legal norms, realize the balanced development of the interschool and take effective measures, reform and help the weak schools. Third, we should pay attention to the development of the social non-profit organizations in the macro management of education, maintain the educational equity, play an independent role, and participate in the decision-making, management and management of the public education. The process of its educational activities.
The promotion of the public practice of education should pay attention to the publicity of the interaction between school education and community. It is a trend to highlight the public nature of the community. The school is a formal organization in the community and one of the contents of the management of social public affairs. With the school's education plan, policy formulation, problem solving and assessment, it is in this participation that citizens get first hand information about the school. They can ask questions, get information, express their views, make suggestions, and put forward their own opinions on the controversial issues. They are an important member of the decision-making process and can promote the school. Keep up with social changes and promote educational reform. People gradually realize that education is not only the responsibility of schools, but also the responsibilities of parents, communities and society.
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