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发布时间:2018-12-18 08:26
[Abstract]:Due to the particularity of their age characteristics and living environment, the post-80s and post-90s are the two most concerned groups in our society. The establishment of teacher-student relationship between post-80s teachers and post-90s students has become a problem that can not be ignored. The characteristics of the new teacher-student relationship between post-80s teachers and post-90s students should be viewed from both positive and negative aspects. The advantages of this new relationship are that the age gap between teachers and students is small, the background of the times is similar, and if properly played, it can become the vanguard of curriculum reform. The drawback is that in this teacher-student relationship, The post-80s teacher is in the early stage of his career and does not have enough teaching experience. In the face of the problems of the post-90s who are in the critical period of the formation of self-identity, they can not give good help. Therefore, whether the post-80s teachers and post-90s students can establish a good new teacher-student relationship not only relates to the post-80s teachers' future career, but also relates to the post-90s students' interpersonal relationship after entering the society. Through the psychological analysis of the new teacher-student relationship between post-80s teachers and post-90s students, the psychological conflict between post-80s teachers and post-90s students is understood, and the problems existing in this relationship are solved. Pave the way for building a good teacher-student relationship.
【作者单位】: 吉林师范大学教育科学学院;


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