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发布时间:2018-12-18 14:57
【摘要】: 历史是人创造的。人是万物之灵,人的行为不是盲目的,不是无意识的。人的创造行为更需要思想和理论的指导,需要精神的鼓舞与支撑。在这样一个因为专业化而原子化的文明中,学习哲学有助于我们维持一种总体视野。像康德这样的思想巨人给我们带来的不仅是历史价值和欣赏价值,更具有精神价值。今天我们来学习和研究康德的哲学思想,不是要附庸风雅、哗众取宠。而是为了开阔我们的眼界,启迪我们的智慧,从中汲取积极的思想成果。将其整合到当前的时代中,与现今的教育融合,为教育的进步和发展找到更加合理的理论支点,搞好教育,服务社会。 康德的责任思想内容丰厚,逻辑严密。在康德全部伦理思想之中,责任始终是他关切的中心问题,自由与责任的思考就成了他的基本理论活动。康德以德性论为基础确立了责任伦理思想。在康德的责任思想中,人作为有限理性的存在,都是自在地作为目的而存在的。人之所以是自在的目的,是因为人具有实践理性,实践理性通过自身立法,使人承担出自道德律令的普遍的道德责任,使人作为自为的道德存在者而存在。康德强调在任何时候都应把人当作目的,而不能当成工具或手段,这就意味着对人存在价值的充分肯定。人之所以为人的绝对价值就在于人能够自我主宰、自我约束,能够强制自己使责任化为现实的力量,而不会像其他非理性存在物那样屈从于自然的欲望,为感性欲求所左右。人有意志自由,并且以“人是目的”为自身行动的存在论目标。人应该始终关怀自身存在的意义进而关怀世界和人类的终极命运,从而赋予人的存在以人文主义情怀。他认为,德性是意志的一种道德力量。人的行为是否具有道德价值,则完全取决于德性在其主体内部对意志的指导和规约,也就是德性在主体内部对意志的限定。而这种限定恰恰表现为对责任的恪守和履行,责任的内驱力就是意志的道德力量,它排除了一切外来的干扰,清除了全部利己的动机,保持自身创造的道德法则的纯洁性和严肃性。在实践理性的主宰下,人就可以义无反顾地担当起自己的责任,正是这种对责任的承担,才使人自身的行为具有了道德价值。在康德责任思想中,道德规律也就是实践理性为自身创制的道德法则,它是责任存在的内在依据。 责任是人的根本,是一切道德的源泉。有关系就有责任,有责任就有道德。责任,乃是当代社会衡量人的行为是否道德的标尺。要培养出合格的人才,教学生会做事,首先要教会学生负责。教育应把培养有责任意识、创造精神、创新能力的人才摆在突出的位置。因此,加强责任意识教育研究,正确评价责任意识现状,把康德责任思想中蕴涵的强调人的主体性,强调尊重道德规律的重要性,强调追求自由的不懈性的思想与责任教育结合,提出责任教育应有的理念,引导责任教育的发展,为教育追求的终极目标——幸福,负责。
[Abstract]:History is created by people. The man is the spirit of a man, and the act of a man is not blind, not an unconsciousness. The creation behavior of the human needs the guidance of the thought and the theory, and needs the inspiration and support of the spirit. In such a civilised, professional civilization, learning philosophy helps us to maintain an overall vision. The thought giant like Kant gives us not only the historical value and the appreciation value, but also the spiritual value. Today we have come to study and study the philosophy of Kant, not to be in the form of a quack, and to make the most of it. but to broaden our horizons, to enlighten our wisdom and to draw positive ideas from it. integrating it into the current age, combining with the present education, to find a more reasonable theoretical fulcrum for the progress and development of education, and to do well the education and service society. Kant's theory of responsibility is rich and logic In Kant's all ethical thoughts, the responsibility is always the central question of his concern, and the thinking of freedom and responsibility becomes his basic theory Activity. Kant established the responsibility ethics based on the theory of virtue. In Kant's theory of responsibility, the existence of human as a limited reason is self-existence as the purpose. At the same time, the reason is that the person has the purpose of self-determination, because the person has the practical reason, the practical reason through its own legislation, the person assumes the universal moral responsibility from the moral law order, The existence of Kant stressed that, at all times, the person should be used as an object and not as a tool or a means, which means that there is a sufficient value for the person The absolute value of a person is that the person can self-rule, self-discipline, can force himself to turn the responsibility into the power of reality, not to the nature's desire as the other irrational existence, and to seek for the desire Left and right. People have the freedom of will and take the 鈥淢an is the purpose鈥,




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