本文关键词: 少先队干部 领导力 现状 影响因素 出处:《新疆师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在充满着变革与竞争的21世纪,领导素质已成为现代公民必备的素质之一。少先队干部领导力所包含的综合素质与能力,与我国《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》的总战略中关于着力提高学生服务国家、服务人民的社会责任感、勇于探索的创新精神和善于解决问题的实践能力的目标相一致,少先队干部领导力研究与培养现代公民和学校德育密切相关,对少先队干部队伍建设和培养目标的确立有重要意义。本文以领导力相关理论为基础,以少先队干部领导力现状为研究内容,在已有研究的基础上对少先队干部领导力现状及影响少先队干部领导力的因素进行探析并尝试提出提升乌鲁木齐市少先队干部领导力的建议。首先,通过问卷调查和访谈法,利用领导力技能量表(Leadership Skills Inventory,简称LSI),发现乌鲁木齐市少先队干部领导力整体水平较高,领导力在各维度上的得分由高到低的排序分别是团队合作、自我理解、决策、沟通和领导技能,其中乌鲁木齐市少先队干部在团队合作、自我理解、决策维度上和沟通的得分高于4分,表现出较好水平而在领导技能上的得分低于4分显示出在领导技能上有待提高;其次,运用访谈法进行质性分析探索出少先队干部对领导力的角色认知、家庭教育及学校教育因素影响其领导力的发展;最后,结合影响少先队干部领导力的相关因素,提出从自身、家庭和学校三方面着手提升少先队干部领导力。第一,少先队干部自身方面,要加强对领导力相关资料和信息的阅读,通过教师进行价值引导以此加强少先队干部领导力的角色认知,发展领导力;第二,家庭教育环境下提升少先队干部领导力的途径,可从养成民主的教养方式、营造宽松和谐的家庭氛围和家长转变教育观念重视领导能力发展出发;最后,学校教育环境下提升少先队干部领导力,以构建良好的师生关系、树立教师领导榜样、重视朋辈教育、构建良好的同伴关系及树立少先队干部榜样以实践活动为载体注重主体性的发挥,开展情景体验式教育为重要手段。
[Abstract]:In 21th century, full of change and competition, leadership quality has become one of the necessary qualities of modern citizens. According to the general strategy of "National medium and long term Education Reform and Development Plan 2010-2020", we focus on improving the sense of social responsibility of students serving the country and serving the people. The innovative spirit of courage to explore and the practical ability to solve problems are in line with each other. The research on the leadership of Young Pioneers is closely related to the cultivation of modern citizens and moral education in schools. This paper is based on the theory of leadership, and takes the present situation of leadership of Young Pioneers as the research content. On the basis of existing research, this paper analyzes the present situation of the leadership of Young Pioneers and the factors affecting the leadership of Young Pioneers, and tries to put forward some suggestions to promote the leadership of Young Pioneers in Urumqi. By means of questionnaires and interviews, the leadership Skills inventory (LSI) was used. It is found that the overall level of leadership of Young Pioneers in Urumqi is relatively high, and the ranking of leadership scores from high to low is teamwork, self-understanding, decision-making, communication and leadership skills. Among them, Urumqi Young Pioneer cadres in team cooperation, self-understanding, decision-making dimension and communication score higher than 4 points. Showing a good level of leadership skills in the score of less than 4 points show that leadership skills need to be improved; Secondly, using interviews to explore the role of the Young Pioneer cadres to the role of leadership, family education and school education factors affecting their leadership development; Finally, combined with the relevant factors affecting the leadership of Young Pioneers cadres, this paper proposes to improve the leadership of Young Pioneers cadres from their own, family and school aspects. First, the Young Pioneers cadres themselves. It is necessary to strengthen the reading of relevant materials and information of leadership, to strengthen the role cognition of Young Pioneers' leadership through the value guidance of teachers, and to develop leadership; Secondly, the way to promote the leadership of the Young Pioneers under the family education environment is to cultivate a democratic upbringing mode, to create a relaxed and harmonious family atmosphere and to change the educational concept of parents to attach importance to the development of leadership. Finally, the school education environment to enhance the leadership of Young Pioneers cadres, in order to build a good teacher-student relationship, set a teacher leadership model, pay attention to peer education. Constructing good peer relationship and setting up the example of Young Pioneers cadres with practical activities as the carrier to pay attention to the play of subjectivity and the development of situational experience education as an important means.
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