本文选题:课堂反馈 切入点:反馈类型 出处:《华东师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Classroom feedback is an important link in classroom teaching, an important factor to promote students' learning, an important basis for teachers to make teaching decisions, and an important means to construct a good teacher-student relationship. At present, there are some problems in classroom feedback, such as lack of positive energy of feedback, insufficient attention to feedback by teachers and lack of relevant research in domestic educational and teaching research. Therefore, it is very necessary to study classroom feedback. This study aims to analyze the current teachers' classroom feedback by taking the Chinese classroom in the lower grade of primary school as an example. In order to provide a certain reference for teaching practice. Based on the literature analysis, this study constructs a classroom feedback analysis framework based on the nature of feedback information and feedback orientation. On this basis, we use the method of classroom observation to obtain relevant data. By coding and processing the above data, the following conclusions are drawn: on the whole, the distribution of five main forms of Chinese teachers' classroom feedback is: the driving feedback, the evaluative feedback, the indicative feedback, the repetitive feedback, the lack of feedback. That is to say, among the five kinds of feedback, push feedback is the most commonly used way of classroom feedback for Chinese teachers, but few teachers do not take feedback on students' performance. In prompt feedback, the vast majority are prompt response behavior; in propulsive feedback, the vast majority are questioning and referral; in retelling feedback, Most of them are oral feedback. In the whole teaching event, the teacher's classroom feedback presents the following structure: "TI-SP-FP2-FP2... -FP3-FEl-FN". On the whole, the distribution of output-type and input-type teaching events is more consistent, that is, the proportion of propulsive feedback is the largest. Then there are evaluative feedback, then indicative feedback, then repetitive feedback, and finally, no feedback. But there are still some differences in the distribution of feedback in the five classes. The proportion of output teaching events is obviously larger than that of input teaching events, and in the case of repetitive feedback, The proportion of input teaching events is more important than that of output teaching events. The specific strategies of classroom feedback for teachers with different teaching years are different. The main results are as follows: teachers with more than 10 years of teaching age are more likely to adopt repetitive and propulsive feedback than teachers from 6 to 10 years of teaching age. This study found that teachers have different ways of feedback in classroom teaching when class hours are different. The specific manifestations are as follows: the first class is more positive evaluation, the second class is more used to turn questions, oral repetition. In short, this study found that there are many differences in the classroom feedback of Chinese teachers in the lower grade of primary school. This suggests that different teaching events, teachers' teaching years and classroom feedback methods are different.
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