本文选题:小学低年级 + 数学教学 ; 参考:《河南师范大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Mathematics is one of the regular subjects in primary school. Children enter primary school and learn mathematics knowledge from the lower grade. But mathematics is often abstract and difficult to understand. In kindergarten, teachers learn simple mathematical knowledge mainly by organizing children to participate in game activities. Children are very familiar with games and lower grade in primary school. In the stage of the connection between kindergarten education and primary school education, it is beneficial for them to apply the familiar ways of children's activities in the junior grade mathematics classroom, to adapt them to the primary school mathematics learning and to solve the problem of "young and small connection". Therefore, the game teaching is advocated in the junior grade mathematics teaching in the primary school, and the low year is low. The development of class children and the teaching of mathematics in the lower grade have the promotion effect, but there are still some shortcomings in the implementation of the mathematics teaching in the junior grade. On the basis of the literature research, this paper combs the related research and practice of the game teaching at home and abroad, defines the related concepts of game and game teaching, and the theory of cooperative learning. Gardiner's theory of multiple intelligences, Piaget's constructivist learning theory and Kolb's theory of experience learning are the theoretical basis. The time of this survey was the beginning of the new semester of the students in October. The students did not understand the teaching of games in this class, and the cognitive ability of the first graders was limited. The object of the survey is the first grade one or two grade students who have just entered grade two or three of primary school. Students know the present situation of mathematics game teaching in the lower grade of primary school by recalling the questionnaire survey, with the author's observation and the interview and observation of some junior math teachers. Through the analysis of the present situation, the primary school has found the primary school. There are some problems in the teaching of mathematics game in the lower grade: less use of teacher game teaching, form, lack of substance, confusion in the class order of game teaching, students can not participate in all the students and so on. The reasons are as follows: Teachers' understanding of game teaching is deviant, teachers and students are prepared. Not enough, teachers are short of timely evaluation and guidance to students. According to the results and reasons of the investigation, combined with the actual situation of primary school mathematics game teaching, the countermeasures are put forward to improve the effect of mathematics game teaching in the lower grade of primary school: eliminate the misunderstanding of teachers' understanding of game teaching, improve the effectiveness of the use of game teaching, and strengthen the teacher's class We can improve students' ability to control themselves and encourage students to participate in it. Through this study, we can provide lessons for the junior math teachers to use game teaching, change the traditional teaching methods, improve the effect of the classroom teaching and improve the math class. The interest of them makes them really willing to participate in the classroom and feel the infinite charm of mathematics.
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