[Abstract]:The problem of teenagers' physical decline has not been effectively checked, and the factors that cause this phenomenon are multifaceted, among which the physical load arrangement in physical education is one of the most important factors. It has a more thorough understanding, which is of certain guiding significance to the study of this article. But from the domestic research results, it mainly focuses on the investigation and Research on the current situation of sports load arrangement in physical education class, and there is less in-depth experimental research. In order to solve the shortcomings of the current research results, this paper tries to understand the current situation of the sports load arrangement in the primary school physical education in Shanghai, and on this basis, the physical health of the pupils in the physical education class is on the basis of this investigation. This paper tries to explore the standard of exercise load suitable for the physical and health promotion of primary school students. This paper adopts the methods of literature, investigation, experiment and mathematical statistics, and selects the Fengxian District teaching in Shanghai city on the basis of the field test investigation of the normal physical education and high quality physical education in Shanghai. 120 students of 4 parallel classes in grade five of the Experimental Primary School Affiliated to the teacher's college were studied. The results were as follows: 1.: (1) normal physical education: the heart rate index of middle school students in 19 normal physical classes ranged from 1.1 to 1.8, and the average value was 1.4; the exercise density was between 28%-66%, The average value is 45%; (2) high quality PE class: the heart rate index of middle school students in 27 high quality sports classes is between 1.2 and 1.7, the average value is 1.4. practice density between 15% and 62%, the average is 43%. from 27 section of high quality physical education to test 7 knots, this 7 class MVPA time more than 50% of only 3 class, accounting for the total of 42%, of which another lesson is below the 40. %.2. experimental results were as follows: (1) there was a significant difference between the control class students' height, weight, vital capacity, sitting body forward flexion, body mass index, body fat percentage, and obesity rate before and after the experiment (P0.05), but there was no significant difference in the grip strength. Height, vital capacity, body weight, body mass index, body fat, body mass index, body weight, body fat were 100%. The obesity rate decreased. (2) the height, vital capacity, grip strength, sitting body forward flexion, body mass index, body fat percentage and obesity rate were significantly different before and after the experiment (P0.05), but there was no significant difference in body weight, weight, body weight, body weight, body forward flexion. Mass index, body fat percentage and obesity rate decreased. (3) the height, body weight, vital capacity, grip strength, sitting body forward flexion, body mass index, body fat percentage and obesity rate were significantly different before and after the experiment (P0.05). The height, weight, vital capacity, grip strength, body weight, body mass were improved and the body quality was improved. Index, body fat percentage and obesity rate decreased. (4) there was significant difference in height, vital capacity, front flexion, body fat percentage and obesity rate before and after the experiment (P0.05), but there was no significant difference between body weight, grip strength and body mass index. Height, vital capacity, grip strength, and sitting body forward flexion were all mentioned Weight, body mass index, body mass index, body fat percentage and obesity rate decreased. (5) in the mid-term test, there was a significant difference between the 2 class and the control class, the 2 class and the experiment 1, the 1 class and the 3 class (P0.05). In the post test, the grip strength, the vital capacity, the sitting body flexion in the control class and the experiment There are significant differences between classes (P0.05). Through the analysis and discussion of the results of the investigation and experiment, the following conclusions are drawn: 1. no matter whether it is the normal physical education exercise load, or the high quality physical education exercise load is on the low side, and the sports load is lack of monitoring.2. sports load intensity of physical education to primary school The effects of physical health on physical health are different. Small intensity and intensity of physical education are not ideal for the physical health of primary school students. The effect of middle intensity physical education on the physical health of primary school students is better than that of 129-151 years. The heart rate range of the appropriate exercise load intensity is 129-151 times. It is suggested that in the course of primary school physical education, teachers can control the heart rate of the students in 129-151 times. Exercise load, school purchase can monitor students' heart rate during exercise.
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