[Abstract]:Problem solving is an important research direction in international mathematics education. As a new generation of measurement theory, cognitive diagnosis theory has broken through the traditional measurement evaluation method of only macroscopic level. Therefore, this study uses it as a theoretical tool to diagnose the inner mental processing process of elementary school students' application problem solving. In order to provide the basis for remedial teaching, this paper studies the level and deficiency of the knowledge structure of the sixth grade students in solving word problems. This study first uses Mayer propositional analysis method, combined with ShalinBee's symbolic network analysis method to divide primary school word problems (algebraic word problems) into situation structure and quantitative structure, and sets up the question bank resources of primary school word problems, and uses cognitive analysis method. Seven cognitive attributes corresponding to the two major components of the solution to the application problem, That is, in the operation component: A1 (basic arithmetic operation) / A2 (multi-step operation) / A5 (identifying implicit condition) / A6 (arithmetic representation) / A7 (normal algebraic strategy); in the schema component: A3 (basic quantitative relation) / A4 (complex knowledge schema); and the hierarchy of seven attributes is constructed. Department (Cognitive Model); Test papers based on Cognitive Model and AHM thought, 531 primary school six students in 11 classes in 5 cities were diagnosed, and finally, multilog7.0 software and matlab program of attribute unequal weight multilevel score AHM were used to evaluate the ability of the subjects and the classification of attribute mastery model. According to the results of diagnosis, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) the total attribute mastering model is classified into 21 kinds of attribute mastering modes in the total attribute mastery model of: 531 subjects, the distribution is at most all 1 mode and partial all 1 mode, less is only master A1 or all 0 mode; The average mastery level of attributes is better than that of A1 (basic operation) and A3 (basic quantitative relation). While A4 (complex knowledge schema) and A7 (formal algebra strategy) are the weak attributes of the whole students; (2) the sex difference in knowledge status between urban and rural areas: the difference of the original total score between urban and rural areas is obvious, and the number of urban high scores is more concentrated than that of the city. More than half of the people were between 64 and 71; most of them had higher proportion of boys than girls in attribute mastering mode; the difference between urban and rural areas was significant in A1-A7 attributes. The difference between male and female was only significant in A4 attribute. (3) the difference of superior and inferior students in knowledge state: the probability of mastering A1-A7 attributes in the high score group was stable, ranging from 0.962-0.994. The average mastering probability of A2A2A4A7 attribute is less than 0.4, in which A4 (complex knowledge schema) and A7 (normal algebra strategy) are all lower than 0.3, the average mastering probability of each attribute is obviously better than that of poor student. Some suggestions on remedial teaching are put forward: (1) to strengthen remedial teaching of A4 and A7 attributes, (2) to strengthen the breakthrough teaching exercises of basic attributes in order to reduce the differences between urban and rural areas, (3) to analyze the knowledge status of backward students, and to adjust the teaching design in time;
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