[Abstract]:The teaching goal of primary Chinese selected texts is to guide students to realize themselves in their own reading. The students can apply the knowledge and ability gained in intensive reading and skimming texts to the learning practice of the selected texts. However, in the current primary school elective text teaching, there are unclear objectives, uncertain understanding and orientation of the selected text, and lack of in-depth research. In the research of effective reading teaching, it is found that the main problem design can improve the reading classroom teaching problems, promote students to think positively and learn to learn independently. Based on the characteristics of the selected texts in primary schools, this paper analyzes the characteristics, functional types and design principles of the main problems of the primary selected texts from the main problems. At the same time, it is expected to guide the front-line teaching work by providing strategies for the design of the main problems in the teaching of selected texts from the aspects of question cognition, wording and syntax, as well as reflecting on the teaching practice.
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